Women’s Giving Circle grants $9,100 to local nonprofits

The Women’s Giving Circle of McKean County (WGC) granted a total of $9,100 to five nonprofit organizations at their annual business meeting on November 6th held at The Wilds Sonshine Factory in Kane. Along with the grant presentations, voting, and awarding of grants, the women enjoyed appetizers, raffles, and a visit to the gift shop. Eddie’s on Main catered the appetizers.
Women’s Giving Circle is a donor advised fund held at the McKean County Community Foundation. Since its inception in 2019, the WGC fund has awarded over $40,000 in grants to enhance local nonprofit programs. The fund was established by a group of community-minded women who continue to work together to address and support issues that are important to women.
The recipients of the 2024 WGC grants were Bradford Hospital Foundation, $2,000 for the Meals on Wheels program; CASA of McKean County, $2,000 for their volunteer program; Destinations Bradford, $2000 for the Hygiene Pantry; Mount Jewett Hilltop Heritage Coalition, $1,100 for the Purse-onal Plan Program; and YWCA Bradford, $2,000 for Bedding for Tomorrow Housing and Employment Services program.
WGC offers the opportunity for every woman to become a member and participate in charitable giving in their community. Members each donate a very affordable $100 or more annually. All donations are pooled together each year to determine the amount available for granting that year. WGC extends an invitation to all area women to join their organization and help make a difference in our communities. Detailed information on the Women’s Giving Circle and how to become a member is available on our website, www.mckeancountyfoundation.org.
The next round of grant applications will be available in late summer of 2025. Eligible awards will be limited to nonprofit organizations with current 501 (c) (3) status, faith-based organizations, schools, or municipalities who serve the residents of McKean County.