Who Are You?

Who are you? How would you answer that question? What do you use to define yourself? Are you defined by your profession, parents, or children, or is there some other matrix? Some define themselves by their accomplishments. Some do it by their failures and mistakes.
Many in nursing homes are said to be asking, “Does anyone know who I used to be?” Defined by their professions, their family, or something else, they now find themselves empty of what used to define them. Sadly, we fail to recognize that we often define ourselves by temporal things. Parents pass on, jobs and careers end, and we suddenly find ourselves without a compass to move forward.
Some define themselves by what others say and believe. Some allow the words of others to define them. It reminds me of a yoyo at the end of the string. It moves up and down by the person controlling it. Everything it does is accomplished by another. Sadly, some people allow the same thing in their lives and then wonder why their lives are the way they are. But is one’s worth and value determined by others? Is there another way that we can define ourselves? I believe that there is.
I remember seeing a plaque that said, “God doesn’t make junk.” What would happen if you and I adopted this for ourselves? Would our lives and views of ourselves be different if we saw things through God’s eyes? What does God say about me and every other human being? To find the answer, I must go to His Word, the Bible. Consider this: Hebrews 11:6 states, “It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” Do you believe that He exists? If you do, He has the answers for you that describe His thoughts and desires for you. He simply says, seek me, and you will find me. (Jeremiah 29:13) Think about it.