Rew, Smethport, And, Bradford Twp. Responded To A Fire Sunday Night

Sunday night just before 11 pm, station 8 and station 2 were sent to Bordel Road for a structure fire. First arriving units requested a second alarm. Station 15 was to stand by at station 8. While en-route Squad 15-2 was upgraded to the scene. Station 15 crew did interior operations. A crew from station 3, that was on stand-by at station 2, was also requested to the scene. Tanker from stations 2,6,7,8, and 9 shuttled water to the scene. Station 11 supplied air. Penelec, BT and FT road crews also assisted. Squad 15-2 was back in quarters at 0519 hrs. Station 8 remained on scene until 0800 hrs. Original Post HERE