Reporting North Central PA & Southern Tier NY News As It Happens
The Potter-Tioga Maple weekend is celebrating their 21st year of hosting the art of maple syrup creation. There are 17 participating farms and educational experiences throughout the two counties on March 15 and 16 from 10 AM - 4 PM. Photo by Andy Lychalk, Jr.
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Half-Ton Butter Sculpture Highlights 2023 Farm Show Theme: Rooted in Progress Secretary Redding unveiled the 2023 Pennsylvania Farm Show butter sculpture. Carved from 1,000 pounds of butter, it highlights this year’s theme: Rooted in Progress.
The sculpture, a longtime PA Farm Show staple that celebrates Pennsylvania’s 5,200 dairy farmers, highlights the strong roots Pennsylvania agriculture has today thanks to a vision rooted in progress and eight years of targeted support and investments for the industry.
(Pennsylvania) – The American Cancer Society is once again ready to say goodbye to winter with the return of our annual Daffodil Days. This colorful first flower of spring represents a campaign that brings hope to cancer patients, their caregivers, and families, while providing much-needed funding to support the groundbreaking research, programs, and services of the American Cancer Society.
“Cancer touches all of us in one way or another,” noted Dan Tobin, American Cancer Society Director of Regional Integrated Marketing. “By supporting the American Cancer Society through Daffodil Days, you are not only warming the hearts of others with these beautiful first flowers of spring, but you are also helping the American Cancer Society Improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.”
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 1/04/2023 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Troy Twp, Bradford county. CSL 402(b) – POTENTIAL POLLUTION – Conducting an activity regulated by a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of The Clean Streams Law to prevent the potential of pollution to waters of the Commonwealth without a permit or contrary to a permit issued under that authority by the Department.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 1/04/2023 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Troy Twp, Bradford county. SWMA 301 – MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUAL WASTE – Person operated a residual waste processing or disposal facility without obtaining a permit for such facility from DEP. Person stored, transported, processed, or disposed of residual waste inconsistent with or unauthorized by the rules and regulations of DEP.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 12/28/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Tuscarora Twp, Bradford county. CSL 402(b) – POTENTIAL POLLUTION – Conducting an activity regulated by a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of The Clean Streams Law to prevent the potential of pollution to waters of the Commonwealth without a permit or contrary to a permit issued under that authority by the Department.
At 8:55 AM on Saturday, Coudersport Ambulance has been called to Rt. 6 West for a fall victim. Coudersport Fire Dept. dispatched to assist with lifting.
At 8:30 AM on Saturday, Hilltop Fire Dept. & Port Allegany ambulance have been dispatched to a vehicle into a pole crash on Rt. 646 near Pithole Road. All occupants are out of the vehicle.
The Potter County Farmers Winter Market will be indoors at the Riley Gallery, next to the Crittenden, the first Saturday of the month from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The next market will be this Saturday, January 7th. Here is a list of who plans to be there and what they plan on bringing to the Market:
BLACK CATS AND PAPERCRAFTS is planning on being there with charms, quilled paper light boxes, wall hangings, hair accessories, paper and resin jewelry and other assorted paper crafts. We also have some winter/holiday decor. We are taking commissions again. For more information, or to make a custom order contact Leon at or visit our Facebook page to see sneak peeks of the new things we’re making at
BLUE MARBLE FARM will be at the market with local, organically grown beautiful produce. We will have storage beets, carrots, salad turnips and winter squash. Stop by and learn more about our CSA Shares. We accept cash, credit cards, and SNAP. For more information, contact Lisa at, 814-320-1308 or
CARD CREEK BAKERY will be at the Farmers Market, January 7th. I will be bringing artisan rye, light whole wheat, many seeded breads. Sweet treats for breakfast and anytime. I will be taking requests now, at the market and throughout the month. 814-544-7313
CARING CRAFTS will be attending this Saturday’s Farmers Market! We have Homemade pillows in a variety of designs, plastic canvas magnets in different logo & designs and Hand painted clothespin wreaths to decorate your home. We accept cash payment. Like us on Facebook! Hope to see everyone there!
ME AND MY BOYS SOAP will be there on Saturday. We will have a selection of goat milk based products. We accept cash or card payments. For more information contact us at or visit our Facebook page.
Today was a pretty exciting day at our department! Twenty-eight Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) units, 56 cylinders and associated face-pieces arrived and were placed in service!
Special thanks to the community and the six municipalities that have supported this project and our department! …
Bradford, PA – The Pavilion at Bradford Regional Medical Center (BRMC) is set to open the fourth floor on Monday, January 9 which will increase the current occupancy by 31 beds, from 64 to 95 beds.
The Pavilion closed operations of the fourth floor in June of 2022 due to the staffing shortages which has plagued long-term care facilities in the region and throughout the entire nation. Until staffing was able to provide adequate and quality care to the residents, the Pavilion temporarily brought its total census down to 64.
The Potter County Artisan Center Co-op is conducting a “Warm it Forward” program. The Center is collecting gloves, mittens, scarves, gloves, and hats for anyone who needs them. The items are hung outside the Co-op at 227 N .Main Street Coudersport with a sign telling passers by to take one or to leave one. Community members are invited to put items in clear storage bags and hang them on the line in front of the Center. The program is anticipated to run through February.
We would like to thank the IU9 for acquiring a PA Smart Advancing Grant! This year, the IU will be working with all 14 districts to connect design thinking through STEM challenges and increase students’ knowledge of skills that our local manufacturers and industry needs.
Oswayo Valley’s 5th graders are currently participating in a STEM Challenge to build prototypes for an automated machine that fixes an industry problem. These Hummingbird kits will help our students bring those prototypes to life. Students will expand their projects through the use of circuits, bread boards, servos, motors, LED lights, and display screens to transform cardboard cutouts with lights, sounds, and movement. The skills developed through these design challenges give our students a head start for what they will see in high school and even into future STEM careers.
Here you can see 4th and 5th graders in the STEM Lab being introduced to the new Hummingbird kits.
Jeffrey Paul Love, 79, of Eldred, PA, passed away peacefully at Cole Memorial Hospital after a long illness on Tuesday, January 03, 2023
Born on August 08, 1943, he is the son of Clark and Regina Love. On October 01, 1977, Jeff married the love of his life, Linda Stuchell in Smethport, at United Methodist Church. After their wedding, they made Eldred, Pa their home, where they raised three children, Sherri Lynn Noel of Belmont, John Clark Love of Bradford, and Jill Ann Wong of Ohio.
Jeff was raised in Farmers Valley and Smethport, Pa., where he graduated from Smethport Area High School. He also attended BOCES for the NY State Apprentice Program for Machine Operations. His employment history included a paper route as a child, Costas Grocery Store, Quaker State Oil Refinery, Ethan Allen Furniture, Carpentry/House Building, and Olean Tile Plant where he retired after 30 plus years of service.
He enjoyed spending time with his wife, family, extended family and church family. He loved tinkering and puttering in his garage, wood shop and basement, mowing his lawn, gardening, reading, and studying his bible. Loved sharing his love and knowledge of God. He enjoyed watching his American Flag flying as well as hunting.
Jeff is survived by his wife of 45 years, Linda, one brother, Darryl (Patricia) Love of Smethport; one sister in law, Rose (John) Collins of Texas, two daughters Sherri Lynn (Bill) Noel of Belmont, NY., and Jill Ann (Mario) Wong of Columbus, Ohio; one daughter in law Linda Kay Stephens of Erie, PA.; His grandchildren RJ and Zachery Noel, of Lowell, MA, Branden Love of Eldred, Ashley, Anthony, Alex and Danny Wong of Columbus, OH.; one Aunt, Jeanne Burgie of NC, and cousins Dawn (Steve) Wilkinson of NC and Bonnie (Larry) Malakie of Waterport NY., and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
Jeff was preceded in death by his parents, his son John Clark; one brother Gary Love; one sister in law Carol Love; one grand daughter Kassey Rene Madison and one grandson Christopher Adam Wong and seven other grandchildren who passed before birth.
A celebration of life will be held at a date and time to be announced in a future addition.
At 5:23 PM on Friday, Friendship Fire & EMS have been dispatched for a multi-vehicle crash with power lines down on one vehicle located at County Road 31 & Hardigan Road. On scene reporting 4 vehicles involved with no injuries.
At 4:49 PM on Friday, Wellsboro, Elkland, Osceola & Clymer Ambulance dispatched to 8 Farmello Lane in Elkland for a report of a structure fire. Smoke is showing from the front of the house.
4:56 PM–Request SECOND ALARM. Blossburg, Knoxville, Nelson & Ulysses dispatched.
At 3:02 PM on Friday, Westfield, Knoxville, Clymer, Galeton & Elkland Fire Depts have been dispatched to 606 East Main Street in Westfield for a house fire.
Clearfield, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) District 2 invites the public to vote on 11 plows decorated by high school students in Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk and Potter counties as part of the annual Paint the Plow program.
Paint the Plow is a statewide outreach aimed at promoting winter driving safety and fostering appreciation for high school art programs and student creativity.
Earlier this year, PennDOT invited students from high schools in the North Central Region to paint plow blades based on the statewide theme “Put Down the Device in Snow and Ice.” The theme was chosen to draw attention to the need for motorists to give driving their full attention and eliminate distractions, like cell phones, especially during winter weather events.
Students from the following schools participated:
Bucktail Area High School
Central Mountain High School
Clearfield Area High School
Coudersport High School
DuBois Area High School
DuBois Central Catholic School
Elk County Catholic School
Galeton Area School District
Harmony Area High School
Philipsburg Osceola Area High School
Sugar Valley Rural Charter School
After a two-year hiatus, members of the public are once again invited to vote for their favorite plow. This year, voting will be done through an online survey posted on the PennDOT website Voters should click on the Paint the Plow tile to find the survey through the Paint the Plow icon.
The plow photo that receives the most votes between Monday, January 9, and midnight on Sunday, January 15, will be deemed the “Fan Favorite.”
Schools and participants are encouraged to share the link to the contest to promote voting. PennDOT may post the pictures on statewide and regional Facebook accounts, however responses on social media will not count toward the voting totals.
The 2023 Step Outdoors Winter Outings Series continues in Tioga and Potter counties with events this Saturday and Sunday and three more next Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
Free Winter Survival Skills Program is This Saturday, Jan. 7 at Sinnemahoning State Park; Pre-registration is Required
Experienced Mountaineer Search and Rescue team member, Steve Bajor is teaching Winter Survival Skills this Saturday, Jan. 7 starting at 10 a.m. and ending at 12 p.m. at Sinnemahoning State Park at 4843 Park Drive in Austin, Potter County. It’s free. The program begins indoors in the park’s Wildlife Center classroom with a presentation and kit-making and then moves outdoors for hands-on practice in an off-trail area. Learn what the basic necessities are that people should always carry with them when exploring the outdoors; the steps to take when lost; how to keep safe and warm overnight; and how to improve the chances of being found. FMI: Pre-registration is required. Email anytime between now and 4 p.m. this Friday or call the park office at 1-814-647-8401 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. today, Thursday, Jan. 5, or this Friday, Jan. 6 or at 8 a.m. this Saturday, Jan. 7 to find out if there is still space available.
HARRISBURG – Reps. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Wyoming) and Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford) today were officially sworn into office, along with 198 other members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, during a ceremony at the state Capitol.
ADVISORY – HARRISBURG – MONDAY – Lung Cancer Survivor to Join DEP and Department of Health in Encouraging Pennsylvanians to Test Their Homes for Radon Gas
Pennsylvania resident Jackie Nixon will join Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Acting Secretary Ramez Ziadeh and Department of Health Secretary Dr. Denise Johnson on Monday to encourage Pennsylvanians to test their homes for radon as part of National Radon Action Month.
Nixon, who has never smoked, was treated for lung cancer six years ago. After treatment, she learned her residence had high levels of radon. Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible radioactive gas that enters homes from the ground. With long term exposure, it’s the second leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking.
DEP Radon Program Manager Bob Lewis will announce the winners of the 2023 Pennsylvania Student Radon Poster Contest and demonstrate how to use a radon test.
WHAT: Lung Cancer Survivor to Join DEP and Department of Health in Encouraging Pennsylvanians to Test Their Homes for Radon
WHEN: Monday, January 9, 2023; 1:00 PM
WHERE: Capitol Media Center, State Capitol Room 01 East Wing, Harrisburg, PA 17126
Frank E. “Butch” Furman, age 81, of Fairview, PA passed away on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, at his home.
He was born in Wellsville, NY on May 27, 1941, a son of the late Lowell R. and Rachel A. Brundage Furman.
He was a 1959 graduate of Northern Potter High School in Potter County, PA and a graduate of Humboldt Institute in Minneapolis, MN. He was a customer service manager for 33 years at US Airways and was previous owner of Closet Systems for 10 years.
Frank loved to travel, enjoyed golfing, fishing, Nascar and gardening. He was a park ranger for the Zem Zem Shrine Club RV Park and a member of the Lake Erie Lodge No. 347 F.&A.M., Scottish Rite Valley of Erie and Zem Zem Temple Shrine. He was a Boy Scout Leader for many years.
In addition to his parents, Frank is preceded in death by a brother, Wilton “Bill” Furman and a sister, Jacqueline Glassmire.
Frank is survived by his wife of 62 years, Janet Furman; sons, Timothy A. Furman and his wife Carol of Waterford and Jeffrey L. Furman and his sweetheart, Ann Arts of Tucson, AZ; daughters, Cheryl L. Young and her husband Robert of Tucson, AZ and Stacey A. Hetrick of Fairview; grandchild, Madalynn Hetrick of Pittsburgh, his four legged buddy Marshall and several nieces and nephews.
Services will be held at a later date.
Arrangements entrusted to the Burton Funeral Home, 525 Main Street East, Girard, PA.