It’s Always A Matter Of Perspectives

I got up this morning to a temperature of 11 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold, you say? For some, perhaps, but for others, it’s a matter of perspective. Why is that? Why does a person’s perspective play a great part in how they see things?
A quick look at the long-range forecast shows that it will get much colder, with a couple of days at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Yet some take it in stride and prepare differently, while others will view it as one of the worst couple of days of the new year. Me? I’ll take it in stride and enjoy it. Why? As I said before, it’s always a matter of perspective.
When I was a kid, a long, long time ago, we often used socks as mittens and bread bags on our feet to help keep them dry. Life was always an adventure. In case you haven’t noticed, I still view life as an adventure. I don’t see roadblocks; I see adventures to be had and mountains to climb. Who said it couldn’t be done, and what obstacles can’t be overcome? And yet, we allow many obstacles to stand in our way of moving forward. Again, it’s always about perspective.
Some will remember the days when you plugged in your vehicle in the winter so that it would start in the morning. I can’t remember any other way to move snow but with a shovel. My brothers and I made snowplows out of wood. One would pull while the others pushed. I don’t know how much snow we moved, but we tried. Remember the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention?” Well, it’s true. Sadly, we seem to have forgotten that. Perhaps we’ve become soft and too reliant upon tools and gadgets.
On these very cold days, I love to go for a walk. I dress in layers and with adventure in my spirit, I set about exploring my surroundings. If the grandchildren were here, I’d probably build a snow fort and a big outdoor fire. Again, it’s a matter of perspective. Don’t allow your perspective to keep you from living. You may find there is much more to life. Think about it.