BRADFORD, Pa. — The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford received 12 national higher education advertising awards for several creative projects, including a series of postcards, a billboard, and a 60-second video.
Pitt-Bradford received two Gold Awards, two Silver Awards, one Bronze Award and seven Merit Awards in the 40th Annual Educational Advertising Awards program, the most the campus has ever received at one year in the competition. Last year, Pitt-Bradford received nine awards in the contest.
The Educational Advertising Awards program is the largest educational advertising awards competition in the United States. A panel of higher education marketing and advertising professionals judged more than 2,000 entries from more than 1,000 colleges, universities and secondary schools from all 50 states and several countries.
Pitt-Bradford received Gold Awards for a series of postcards sent to prospective students and for a 60-second video that highlights the welcoming campus where students receive personalized attention and earn a University of Pittsburgh degree. The video also received a Merit Award in a second category.
The campus received Silver Awards for a new billboard along U.S. Route 219 in Limestone, N.Y., and for a poster sent to high schools in the region. Pitt-Bradford received a Bronze Award for a sheet of stickers that featured school spirit-related marks, including a panther paw.
Pitt-Bradford received Merit Awards for a brochure highlighting the engineering technology and computer information systems and technology programs, a series of publications used to recruit students, Portraits magazine, admissions search materials, and a student viewbook.
The campus also received a Merit Award for creative work used in launching a new brand with the tagline Pitt Forged, Bradford Inspired. That work included print ads, social media content, PowerPoint templates and Zoom backgrounds and license plates.
“This work was created by an amazing team of writers, editors, designers and photographers, both on campus and off,” said Pat Frantz Cercone, executive director of communications and marketing, “who work together seamlessly to tell Pitt-Bradford’s amazing stories.”
All but two of the award-winning pieces were created by John Sizing of JS Publication Design in Wellesley, Mass.
The 60-second video was developed by Red Cactus Marketing, a research and branding agency based in Phoenix.
The sticker sheet was designed by two members of the Communications and Marketing staff: Andrew Truman, social media strategist, and Aly Thompson, web programmer, both Pitt-Bradford alumni.
Pitt-Bradford has now received 51 Education Adverting Awards in the last seven years.