Three Local Groups Collaborate on Astronomy Event

The Pennsylvania Wilds Astronomy Club, Commonwealth University-Mansfield, and Hamilton-Gibson Productions will co-sponsor a free program, “Women in Astronomy: Henrietta Leavitt”, on April 26, at the Strait Planetarium in Mansfield.This astronomy event is inspired by the upcoming play Silent Sky, being presented by Hamilton-Gibson Productions at the Coolidge Theater in Wellsboro, PA, May 10-18. The play is about Henrietta Leavitt and her fellow woman astronomical “computers” at the Harvard Observatory in the early 1900’s, and about what life was like for women in science during this time. Discoveries by Leavitt included how the brightness variability of some stars could be used to measure their relative distance to earth. Some scientists, including Edwin Hubble, said that Leavitt deserved the Nobel Prize for her work.
Elaine Farkas of Commonwealth University- Mansfield, along with PA Wilds Astronomy Club founders Gary Citro and Steve Conard will host this fun evening of science and entertainment. The program will offer fascinating details for all ages on Leavitt’s contributions to science, and how her accomplishments provided a key to future work on mapping the universe. Actors from the upcoming play will present a sneak preview scene from the show. The program also includes a planetarium show, space-themed snacks, and telescope observing in the parking lot afterward if the skies are clear. All are welcome! Please pre-register.
The event happens on Friday, April 26 at the Strait Planetarium, 76 Stadium Drive in Mansfield, with doors open at 6:30pm and the program beginning at 7:00pm. Pre-regsiter at,