Think About It
WARNING, Affluence Produces Apathy
Pastor B.J. Knefley
In case you haven’t noticed, we live in an affluent society. We seem to lack nothing. Even those that have nothing, have much, by the world’s standards. Computers, cell phones and other electronics have invaded our lives. We seem to lack little and the little that we do lack relates more to our wants rather than our needs. For some it seems that there is a sense of entitlement to having what others have. We envy other people’s success and possessions. Advertisers know this and play on our emotions. Online shopping have their version of clearance racks, rebates, incentives, and sales, all in an attempt to buy, buy, and buy. Cars even have their incentives of rebates and discounts. Sale flyers bring the buyers. Yet in spite of all our riches we are poor, poor in the things that matter most, the things of God.
In Acts 3:1-8, Peter and John are going into the Temple and encounter a man who is crippled. According to the passage, this man sat at one of the gates of the Temple and begged from the people that were going in. When he saw Peter and John, he asked them for some money. Peter stated to the man that they didn’t have money, but what they did have they would give him. He then declared, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk”. He then took the man by the hand and helped him up and as he did, the man was healed. Sadly, in most cases the church can’t say that today. We have the money, but we don’t have the power of God. Our affluence has led to apathy towards the things of God. Instead of looking to God to solve our problems, we look to money. We use the methods of the world to raise money for our programs. We sell our goods like the moneychangers of old. But God has said that His house would be called a house of prayer. We have become indifferent to the needs of others and slack in our relationship with our heavenly Father because our affluence has caused us not to need him. In other parts of the world, the church of God is a powerful and living force. Why? It is because they have nothing and need to rely on him. Has your affluence caused you to be indifferent? Think about it.