Think About It
Pastor B.J. Knefley
Memorials, do you have any? Perhaps without thinking you have created some without even knowing it. They often dot our life in different ways. Perhaps it’s the mount that’s hanging on the wall of our family room, or your first gun. Maybe it’s the wall in the hall that’s adorned with family pictures. We might not recognize it but we often have many memorials throughout our home and life. They’re important to us because they remind us of important events.
In my own life I have plaques and pictures that remind me of achievements. I have objects that I carry that remind me of the source of my hope. One of those things is a small rock about the size of a quarter. I carry it to remind me that it only took a small stone to kill Goliath. If you’re not familiar with that name it comes from the story of David and Goliath, a huge giant of a man. He taunted the Israelites with his size and his words. David a shepherd, took his slingshot and a few stones and accepted that challenge. The result was that David, with just one small stone, killed the mighty Goliath. My stone reminds me that it only takes a small stone to kill the giants in my life.
My Bible is another source of memorials. Over the years I have noted and underlined passages. Often these are accompanied by dates. Each remind me of a time in my life where a passage spoke to my spirit with encouragement or direction. Each time I come across one of these passages I smile in remembrance. It’s not that these reminders are of good times. Sometimes they remind me of very difficult times in my life and I am reminded of where I was and where I am now. These become remembrances of hope and perseverance.
Sometimes the greatest encouragement that we can have is thorough the memorials that we’ve established in our lives. They become anchors that can help in our forward moment and direction. Without these we might just become adrift. Think about it.