The 2024 Memorial Day Service was Held at the VMI Monday Morning.

World War I – Frank G. Burt, Charles Burch, Orlo Chafee, William F. Dunn, Fay Fessenden, Gregg Green, Glenn Henderson, Edwin Johnson, Hilding Johnson, Eldredge King, Collins Thomas, Charles Lambert, Lawrence Meacham, Harold O’Connor, Floyd Main, Arthur L. Nelson, Thomas Smith and Elmwood Wicks.
World War II – Roland B. Johnson, Lt. Floyd E. Card, Staff Sgt. Nelson McCloskey, Staff Sgt. George Modsko, Pfc. Harold Jackson, PVT. Max Chilson, Virgil Kinney, Pfc. George Papageorgiou, Fred Brockel, Lt. James McMahon, Walter Van Scooter, Pvt. Paul Conner, Lt. James Shevak, Pvt. Donald Gustafson, Pfc., Jack Ness, S 2-c. Gail Chapin, Pvt. William Haglund, Daniel Reed, Pvt. Herbert Dolaway, Cpl. Eldene Bosworth and Pfc. Charles Tully.
Viet Nam – Floyd Studer, Gerrith Kibbe and Albert C. Bachman, Jr.
Non-war years, Active Duty – Peacetime:
Austin P. Duffy, Joel Gamble, Lt. Wesley VanDorn, Robert Razey, George Luce, Jerry Thomas, Theodore Ireland, Lt. William Daisley, Jr.,
Iraq War – Lt. Col. Richard Berrettini
Following the ceremony, a picnic lunch was held in the VMI Pavilion and hosted by the Auxiliary.