Port Allegany Wine Walk Donation Presented

Now in its 6th year, the Port Allegany Wine Walk has donated almost $35,000 to local organizations. The 2024 Wine Walk wineries included Allegheny Cellars Winery at Baxter Hardware, LLC; Uncle D’s Sassy Glass Winery at Rustic Roots; Twisted Vine Winery at Olson-Tenglund, Inc.; Laurel Mountain Winery at Trail’s End Realty; Brokenstraw Valley Winery at Mid-Town Motel; Flickerwood Wine Cellars at Mountain Laurel FCU; Bear Creek Wines at A Stitch-In-Time; Little Mountain Winery at the Neighborhood School of Dance; Sugar Bush Winery at Karen’s Hairstyling Salon; Triple Nickel Distillery at GLC and The Winery at Wilcox at Port Notary/Howard Hanna.
Wine glasses for the event were donated by Olson-Tenglund, Inc. and Wine Walk bags were donated by the Ardaugh Group. Registration and pick up took place at the Moose Family Center Lodge #460.
Past donations include $4000 to the Star Hose Fire Company #1 in year one of the Wine Walk; $2,200 to the Port Allegany Recreation Authority/Community Pool – even though there was no walk that year due to COVID; $6,000 in year three to PAAS; $6,500 in year four to the S. W. Smith Library and $7,750 given to Youth Sports in year five.