PASD Service Awards Banquet
The Annual Service Awards Banquet of the Port Allegany School District was held recently at the Port Allegany VMI. Music for the event was provided by John Meade.
Heather Nance recognized the following employees: Penny Lilly and Chelsea Caden with five years of service; Roseann Penick, Kari Johnson, Ashlee Fillhart and Penny Peine with 10 years of service; Linda Gordon with 15 years; Judy Leschner, Aaron Clark and Sara Bishel with 20 years; and Denise Dibble and Thrisa Borro with 25 years.
Those retiring at the end of the school year are Beth McElwee with 23.5 years; Beth Scanlon with 29 years; Gary Buchsen with 32 years and Tracy Kio with 37 years of service to the district.