Potter County Commissioner Nancy J. Grupp Announces Re-Election Bid
Potter County Commissioner Nancy J. Grupp has announced her intentions to run for re-election on the Republican ballot in the May 16 Primary Election.
During her first term in office she served as the chair of the Board of Commissioners, County Salary Board, and County Retirement Board. She has served in an unpaid capacity as Potter County Director of Emergency Services, saving the county thousands of dollars each year and is a member of the county’s Aging Advisory Board.
During her tenure, Commissioner Grupp has also spearheaded improvements in county operations, including technology upgrades and updates to personnel and human resources policies. She was also chosen by her peers to chair the executive board of the regional community and economic development agency, North Central Regional Planning and Development Commission.
Some of the current board’s accomplishments under her leadership have included:
— Creating programs during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to support small businesses along with fire and ambulance services and other non-profits that were negatively impacted during the shutdown.
— Facilitating COVID relief grants to those significantly impacted in the hospitality industry, many of which would not have survived without those funds.
— Adoption of a countywide Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) ordinance, making available county tax breaks for businesses building or expanding operations to create jobs and support economic development.
— Improving services for Potter County veterans by expanding the Veterans Affairs Director position to full-time, giving military veterans much-needed assistance in accessing the benefits and services to which they are entitled.
— Supporting a collaborative effort to bring cost-free transportation to veterans who require rides to medical appointments.
— Repurposing federal grant revenue totaling more than $500,000 to support infrastructure projects in Genesee, Galeton and Ulysses to date.
Fiscal responsibility has been a high priority for the board under Commissioner Grupp’s leadership. While improving services in multiple ways, the board has not raised real estate taxes, which she considers a major accomplishment. Grupp is a lifelong resident of Potter County, has 30 years of experience working in the finance industry, and has served as a township auditor and secretary/treasurer, as well as president for the Potter County Township Officials Association.
She and her husband, Lynn, live in Coudersport.
Commissioner Grupp states, “Rather than engaging in extreme politics, if re- elected I pledge to continue to bring common sense leadership to Potter County. Thank you for your support.”
Paid For By The Candidate
Kardinal Estate & Tag-Sale Company 3 Day Estate Sale
3 Day Estate Sale!
Smethport, PA. May 4th to 6th 2023
Posting details by this Sunday! Enjoy the weekend. Kardinal Estate & Tag-Sale Company
Thursday, May 4, is Last Date to Register
Thursday, May 4, is Last Date to Register for Bird Dog Handlers’ Clinic on Saturday, May 6, Held by Ruffed Grouse Society at Rolfe Beagle Club, Elk County
Johnsonburg, Pa.: Your registration must be made by Thursday, May 4, if you want to attend the Future Hunters and Handlers Clinic for bird dogs sponsored by the Upland Bird Hunt Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society. The Bird Dog Clinic is being held at the Rolfe Beagle Club at 1016 Long Level Road, Johnsonburg, PA 15845. Registration is at wlhab9@gmail.com. You must register so we have the right number of lunches.
This popular bird dog clinic is for folks with puppies or folks wanting tips for their older dogs. The clinic starts at 8:00 a.m. and will finish around noon. Lunch will be provided. Doors will open and coffee will be on by 7:30 a.m.
We have a great day planned for new and experienced dog owners:
Grouse & Woodcock Habitat Identification
Puppy Training: Basic Training and What to Expect in the First Year
Grouse Gear – What You Need – Lion Country Supply
Where Am I and How Do I Get There? – GPS
Advanced: Demonstrations, Questions & Answers for Experienced Dog Handlers
If you are a first-generation hunter or a new bird dog owner who is looking to spend some quality time in the field, but feel as if this is a daunting task to get started, join us on Saturday, May 6! Our goal is to create a network of hunters willing to take new dog owners and novice hunters under their wing.
“Our goal”, said Tommy Launer and Tom McPherson, co-leaders, “is to develop a network of hunters willing to help new dog owners and hunters.”
PennDOT Elk County Maintenance work schedule for the week of May 01-May 05, 2023
Ridgway, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Elk County Maintenance announces the following work schedule for the week of May 01 through May 05, 2023,
weather permitting. Motorists should travel with extra caution in these and all work areas. Motorists should be aware that due to the nature of highway maintenance and emergency work, crews could be working on any highway at any time of the day or night.
Elk County 0280
● State Route: 4003 (Long Level, Johnsonburg)
● State Route: 1006 (Wilcox)
● State Route: Various Routes County wide
Crack Sealing:
● State Route: 1003 (Washington St., St. Marys)
● State Route: 1008 (West Creek Rd., St. Marys)
Bridge Cleaning:
● State Route: 2004 (Quehanna Hwy.)
● State Route: 3001 (Belltown)
● State Route: 120 (Mohan Run Area)
PennDOT encourages drivers to “Know before they go” and to check conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles by visiting www.511PA.com.511PA is free, available 24 hours a day, and provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information, and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras.
511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following regional Twitter alerts accessible on the 511PA website.
National Day of Prayer set May 4 in Bradford
The Bradford Area Ministerium will host a community gathering on Thursday, May 4, in observance of National Day of Prayer.
The event will take place from noon until 1 p.m. at Veterans Square in Bradford and is open to all members of the community. The National Day of Prayer, with the theme Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much, is an annual observance held on the first Thursday in May.
“Prayer fuels our lives spiritually and is also the fuel of our community and our nation. Without a praying community, we will lose hope and vision for God’s desire to transform our city and beyond. The National Day of Prayer is a unique opportunity where all can come together and pray for God’s vision for our nation, from every church and denomination.” said Open Arms Church Lead Pastor Zoe Hatcher, who is the event organizer. “This is a chance to come together with our neighbors and coworkers to focus on what unites us. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to reflect on the power of prayer and its ability to bring us closer together as a nation.”
During the gathering, members of the community come together to pray for America and the seven centers of influence, which include government, military, media, business, education, church, and family. Participants are encouraged to pray for each center and its leaders, asking for guidance, wisdom and strength.
For more information about the National Day of Prayer, visit https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/.
Closure of Allegany County Road 23 in the Town of Rushford.
Please be advised that Allegany County DPW will have daily closures of County Road 23 between State Route 243 and Wesley Road intersections from May 2 through May 11.
The road will be closed during working hours and will reopen for use at night and on the weekend. There will be no on-site detour and motorists are urged to seek alternate routes.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Rotary Four Way Test Competition
Coudersport Rotary Club was pleased to host students Brooke Tubbs, Stella Bray, Alyssa Dunn, and Savannah Gill to the annual Rotary Four Way Test Competition.
The Four Way Test Competition is offered to high school students where the student must prepare a five to seven minute speech to illustrate the Rotary Four-Way Test principles of “Is it the truth?”, “Is it fair to all concerned?”. “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?” and “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”.
Brooke Tubbs will move on to the Regional Competition.
Potter County Master Gardener Hotline Reopens
Got lawn and garden questions? Ask us! The Penn State Master Gardeners of Potter County have reopened their Garden Hotline for the 2023 season. Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who support Penn State Extension’s educational programs in consumer horticulture. They develop their horticultural expertise through participation in educational training classes conducted by Penn State University faculty and Extension staff.
Potter County Master Gardeners provide individualized solutions to garden problems that are practical, safe, effective, and natural. Our Hotline is a free service where you can ask about topics such as composting, fruit trees, house plants, insect and plant identification including pests and diseases, lawns, native and invasive plants, pollinator-friendly gardening, pruning, vegetable horticulture and more. Master Gardeners can be reached as follows.
- Call the Garden Hotline at: 814-274-8540, ext. 103. Calls are monitored on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Leave us a message and we’ll return your call.
- Email us or send a photo illustrating your question to: pottermg@psu.edu.
- Visit our office located at 7 Water Street, Coudersport, PA.
- Stop by at an Ask a Master Gardener table at community events.
For additional information, contact Leona Smith, Potter County Master Gardener Coordinator,
814-274-8540, ext 103, lds5520@psu.edu.
Photo caption: Poison Hemlock Research
Photo credit: Leona Smith
The entry fee for adults for the 32nd Annual Upper Pine Creek Trout Tournament is $25 through this Monday, May 1 and increases to $30 beginning Tuesday, May 2. The entry fee for youth under 16 stays the same, $15.
The two-day tournament, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon Snowmobile Club, is being held on Saturday, May 20 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, May 21 from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. along a 13-mile stretch of Pine Creek between the Ansonia Bridge in Shippen Township and the Mill Street Bridge in Galeton Borough.
Each of the 250 fish float stocked by snowmobile club members in that section are tagged. The minimum prize for a tagged fish is $50 and may be cash, merchandise or a gift card or a combination of the three. Up to $14,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded during the tournament. The top cash prize is $1,000. There will also be six $500 cash prizes.
Visit www.pagrandcanyonsnowmobileclub.com anytime to register online and download a registration form or pick one up at a business in the area.
In-person registration will be outdoors in tents in front of the organization’s clubhouse at 4814 Route 6, 12 miles west of Wellsboro, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Friday, May 19 and during tournament hours on May 20 and 21. The clubhouse is located on the south side of Route 6, halfway between Wellsboro and Galeton.
Those who register online can pick up bags, badges and maps at the clubhouse between May 19 and 21.
For more information, about this tournament, call 1-717-881-9358 or the club at 570-724-2888 or visit the club’s website at www.pagrandcanyonsnowmobileclub.com or its Facebook page.
BRADFORD, Pa. – Summer camps are back at Pitt-Bradford with more than a dozen offerings in athletics, outdoors, STEM, ceramics and camping for children in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Camps take place June 5 through Aug. 5 and costs range from free wrestling prospect camp to $250 for a three-day canoe trip.
Grades listed are for the fall of 2023. For more information or to register for camps visit upb.pitt.edu/summer, call Conference and Event Services at 814-362-5053 or email CampsUPB@pitt.edu.
Athletics camps
Wilma J. “Mike” Haupt, 89, of Canfield Hollow, Eldred, PA
Wilma J. “Mike” Haupt, 89, of Canfield Hollow, Eldred, PA passed away on Monday (April 24, 2023) at Lakeview Senior Center.
Born on Oct. 31, 1933, she was the daughter of John and Fannie Childs Powell. On Feb. 23, 1952, in Olean, N.Y., she married Leonald “Lee” Haupt Sr., who preceded her in death on Nov. 10, 1995
Wilma attended Portville, N.Y., schools and was raised in Obi, N.Y., prior to moving to Eldred after she got married. She attended the Coryville Church of Faith and enjoyed crocheting and gardening.
Surviving is two sons, Leonald “Bub” (Susan) Haupt Jr. of Winterhaven, Fla., Gary (Michael Ewing) Haupt of Navarre, Fla.; three daughters, Marlene McClain of Portville, Pamela Moyer Laroche of Ocean View, Del., Lisa Taylor of Eldred; nine grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by a son-in-law Roland Laroche, three brothers and two sisters.
Visitation will be held on Friday (April 28, 2023) at the Coryville Church of Faith from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 10 to 11 a.m. at which time funeral services will be held with Pastor Karmon Wood officiating. Burial will be in Lamphier Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the Coryville Church of Faith or a veteran’s charity of the donor’s choice.
Online condolences may be made at www.framefuneralhome.com
PA Permit Violations Issued
PA Permit Violation Issued to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Terry Twp, Bradford County |
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 4/26/2023 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Terry Twp, Bradford county. CSL 402(b) – POTENTIAL POLLUTION – Conducting an activity regulated by a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of The Clean Streams Law to prevent the potential of pollution to waters of the Commonwealth without a permit or contrary to a permit issued under that authority by the Department. |
Incident Date/Time: 2023-04-26 00:00:00 |
Tags: PADEP, frack, violation, drilling |
Base Repairs on Little Pine Creek Road Today
Montoursville, PA – Motorists are advised of maintenance work today, Thursday, April 27 on Route 4001 (Little Pine Creek Road) in Cummings Township, Lycoming Township.
A Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) maintenance crew will be performing base repairs on Little Pine Creek Road between Route 44 and Little Pine State Park. Motorists can expect single lane conditions with flagging where work is being performed. Work will be performed during daylight hours, weather permitting and is expected to be completed late afternoon.
Motorists should be alert, slow down, watch for slow or stopped vehicles, watch for lane changes, and drive with caution through the work zone.
Gary G. Ostrander, 85, of Bradford, PA
Gary G. Ostrander, 85, of Bradford, PA passed away on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at the Olean General Hospital, Olean, NY.
He was born on January 23, 1938 in Olean, the son of the late Ralph and Lucille Schenfield Ostrander.
He attended schools in Erie.
On May 30, 1964 in Bradford; he married Mary Ellen Bennett who preceded him in death on July 24, 2009.
Gary worked many years in the Bradford area in the oil industry and as a roofing contractor.
He was a member of the American Legion Post 108 and the Lt. John C. Roche Post 212 VFW as well as a former member of the IAS Club. Gary loved spending time outdoors, fishing and swimming. He also loved being around his friends and family. Those that knew Gary knew he also enjoyed tinkering with his collection of lawnmowers.
He is survived by three daughters, Pamela (Thomas) Morey of Virginia Beach, VA, Joy (Kenneth) Arble of Bradford and Mary Lou Lee of Bradford; one son, Randy (Laurie) Ostrander of Bradford; ten grandchildren; seven great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
In addition to his parents and wife he was also preceded in death by his stepfather, Ellis Beals.
A private funeral service will be held at the convenience of the family at a later date.
Memorial contributions in his memory can be made to the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 417005, Boston, MA 02241-7005 or the American Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 15829, Arlington, VA 22215.
Funeral arrangements are entrusted to the care of the Mascho Funeral Home, Inc.
Online Condolences can be expressed at www.maschofuneral.com.
Causer to Hold Satellite Office Hours
BRADFORD – State Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint) will hold monthly satellite office hours on Thursday, May 4, at the following locations:
- Emporium Borough Office – 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
- Port Allegany Borough Office – 11 a.m. to noon.
Services available include assisting constituents with state-related issues or concerns, assistance with driver license and vehicle registration applications, and help in filling out applications for various state programs, such as the senior citizen Property Tax/Rent Rebate and PACE prescription drug assistance programs.
People who cannot make the satellite sessions may contact Causer’s offices in Bradford at 78 Main St., first floor, telephone 814-362-4400; or Coudersport, 107 S. Main St., Room 1, telephone 814-274-9769; or Kane, 54 Fraley St., Suite 2, telephone 814-837-0880. Information is also available at www.RepCauser.com or on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/RepCauser