Multiple Fire Departments Respond To A Structure Fire In Westfield Twp.
Yesterday 2/19/25 Crary Hose Company, Clymer Fire Department, Harrison Valley Fire Dept, Knoxville Tanker 6-5 and Elkland Fire RIT were dispatched to 1264 Ladd Road, Westfield Township for reported structure fire. Chief 5-30 Mack arrived with nothing showing. Patrol 16-4 was first to arrive finding a fire extinguished by home owner, Engine 5-3 and Tanker 5-5 arrived assisted with checking for extension with none found Chief 5-30 recalled assignment. Soon after returning Crary assisted Clymer Fire with a motor vehicle crash 871 Beechwood Lake Road, Clymer Township. Squad 5-18 and Captain 5-90 responded and assisted with controlling traffic, returned after some time by Chief 16.
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