Kardinal Estate & Tag-Sale Company HUGE Estate Sale! Starts Friday, February 7th 2025

HUGE Estate Sale! Starts Friday, February 7th 2025
February 7, 8, and 9. Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 4pm. Times for February 15th and 16th will be posted later.
619 W. Main St. Smethport, PA 16749 – Do not block driveways or roads.
Fire King, Pyrex, Pfaltzgraff, Ducks Unlimited, Ethan Allen, just a few name brands. living room pieces, book cases, quilts, blankets, desk, red leather chairs, outdoor garden items, ladder, hand tools, power tools, Grandfather clock, mantle clock, Woolrich clothes, crystal items, gaming chairs, power tools, hunting & fishing items, paintings, mini-fridge, freezers, holiday decor, 8+ person dining table, hutch, stands, leather couch, living room furniture, sweepers, kitchen items, Hall Trees, Lane cedar chest, books, plants, planters, storage items, fans, and so much more. Not all items pictured.
Starts 9am 2/07/25. Do not block driveways and please respect the neighbors. We reserve the right to end any individual sale for any reason.
We look forward to seeing all of our great costumers and new ones, kick 2025 off with a bang!