Firefighters Respond To Vehicle Fire On Remote Pipeline Location
Wilcox Volunteer Fire Department
Monday November 7th, 2022

Dispatch time 11:31 hours
Elk company 6 was dispatched to an area off of Mealy Run Road on the Shawmut Grade for a vehicle fire that was endangering the woods. Elk County control reported that the vehicle was located approximately 500 ft off of the roadway on a pipeline.
The location of the incident was approximately 22 miles from the station and took some time getting there due to unpaved roadways. Assistant 6 arrived on scene and met up with the caller and shortly after engine 63 utility 614 and chief six all arrived on scene. Smoke was visible from the roadway and we noted that a small brush fire had started. At the original staging area access was limited but we were able to see the vehicle and it was fully involved and an approximate 2 acre brush fire was starting and spreading. Chief 6 requested elk company 2 to respond to the scene with the utility truck and manpower. PSP was also requested to the scene at this time due to the vehicle being in motion at the time of the fire starting. We had to move our staging area to a different access point approximately 3 to 4 MI from the original staging area. Utility 614 Chief and Assistant made their way into the scene and at that point requested more resources. DCNR, elk company 1, elk company 4 and Elkland Search and Rescue we’re all requested to the scene with available utvs and manpower. KANE FIRE DEPT 5 was dispatched for an engine for standby at Wilcox station. Personnel worked for some time and the fire was deemed under control at 1356 hours. Mop up was started at this time and done for approximately one more hour and the scene was then turned over to the dcnr personnel on scene.
The Wilcox Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank all of the responding agencies for their assistance.
Thank you also goes out to EMS Specialist Jeff Reeser from EMS West for his response to the scene to provide medical coverage for the responders. A big thank you also goes out to Christine Cummings from Old Brickyard/Subway for the food and refreshments. As always great work by the dispatchers at Elk County Office of Emergency Services for getting us the resources needed.
If I missed anybody in all of my thank yous I apologize as it was not done on purpose we had multiple agencies on scene and I did my best to keep track of everybody.
Units on scene
Wilcox Volunteer Fire Department
Crystal Fire Department
Elkland Search and Rescue
EMS West
Pennsylvania State Police -Ridgway Barracks
Kane Fire Department – standby engine in Wilcox
Respectfully submitted
Captain 611
Thor Lehman