Duck Derby Winner at King of the Wing Event

“Scuba Joe” reaches into Pine Creek to pick the winners for the 2nd Annual Duck Derby held by the Galeton 4th of July Parade Booster Club.
This event was held during the 4th Annual King of the Wing event sponsored by the Galeton Chamber of Commerce held at the John J. Collins Park. Even though we have had rain the last couple of days, the event was free of any rain from 10 AM – 4 PM.
The winners of the race were 1st place: Cora Shadle, 2nd place Dan Brown, and 3rd place Colleen Osgood.
The King of Wing had 5 competitors creating numerous flavors of wings for everyone to enjoy. They were from far as Philadelphia and 4 were within a 12 mile of range of Galeton. Thank you to Steve Benna of the Galeton Area Chamber of Commerce for chairing this great event. Photo by Andy Lychalk Jr.