District 6 SkillsUSA Competition Held On January 30 And 31st
On January 30 and 31, 2025 representatives from the Seneca Highlands Career and Technical Center traveled to Williamsport, Pennsylvania, to compete in the District 6 SkillsUSA competition at the Pennsylvania College of Technology. The participants were given the opportunity to show how vital career and technical education are to America’s future through their applied learning, presentations, demonstrations, speaking and employability skills.
SkillsUSA is a nonprofit national student organization that serves students enrolled in a career and technical school. Its mission is to empower its members to become world class workers and responsible citizens, and it complements the skills training received at the Seneca Highlands Career and Technical Center. The advisors at the Career and Technical Center are Mrs. Katie Dynda and Mrs. Kim Mooney.
First Place students will attend the state competition for SkillsUSA in Hershey, Pennsylvania. We are so very proud of all the student competitors that attended the District level competition, and perhaps some of our students at the Seneca Highland Career and Technical Center may advance to the national level! Attendees at District 6 Competition were the following:
Port Allegany:
Jacob Causer- Job Skills Deminstration A
Riely Coppersmith- Restaurant Services
Cyerra Neely- Basic Health Care
Tayton Roys- Carpentry
Beau Shelley- Culinary Arts
Blake Lloyd- Extemporaneous Speech
Collin Ableidinger- Assistant to Advisors
Oswayo Valley:
Maddison Austin- CTE Demonstration
Cameron County:
Ricky Banks- Baking and Pastry
Nicole Hockey- Quiz Bowl
Carl Bryant- Automotive Service Technology
Parker Sherry- Automotive Maintenance
Kylie Waters- Job Interview
Isabella Rees- Early Childhood Education
Sage Caskey- Quiz Bowl
Clara Jane Kusnierz- Quiz Bowl
Richard Wojcik- Quiz Bowl
Garry Strait- Information Technology
Brayden Shuey- Welding
Makayla Thompson- Prepared Speech
Jaiden Thomas- Nurse Assisting
Alyssa Young- Job Demonstration Open
Cordell Baker- Quiz Bowl