Liberty Township, McKean County
Route 155 Building
November 10, 2022
The regular meeting of the Liberty Township Supervisors was called to order at 8:35 AM by Chairman, Dick Brown. Supervisor Fred Ernst, Secretary Cindy Speeth were present.
1. 17 ambulance calls for Liberty Township.
2. 6 fire calls for Liberty Township.
3. Secretary’s Report for October 13, 2022 was presented and unanimously
accepted on a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by Chairman Brown.
4. Treasurer’s Report for the month of November, 2022 was presented and
unanimously accepted on a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by
Chairman Brown. Chairman Brown stated that in the General Fund there were bills paid in the amount of $61,233.90, revenues received in the amount of $10,056.36 and a balance of $108,394.75. There was a balance of American Relief Funds in the amount of $8,682.26 and $250.35. In the State Fund there were bills paid in the amount of $6429.52, revenues received in the amount of $6837.77 and a balance of $81,144.90. In the Sewer Fund there were bills paid in the amount of $0, revenues received of $200 and a balance of $1434.64.
1. Meeting Minutes from Upper Pine Creek Council was presented by Chairman Brown along with an invoice for the 2023 year. On a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by Chairman Brown it was unanimously agreed to pay the $150 invoice for 2023.
2. Chairman Brown read a letter from McKean County Planning Commission regarding approval of Postlewait Logging Wood Pellet Plant.
All correspondence was made available to the public.
1. Resolution No. 3-22 adopting the annual budget for 2023 in the amount of $489,056.00, total for all accounts, was unanimously accepted on a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by Chairman Brown.
2. Resolution No. 4-22 adopting the annual millage for 2023(2.06 mills for the Township, 1.0 mills for the fire department and .5 mills for the ambulance), was unanimously accepted on a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by Chairman Brown
As no further business was brought before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:51 a.m. on a motion by Supervisor Ernst and a second by Chairman Brown.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lucinda Speeth
Secretary/ Treasurer