Vote Ashley Gledhill For Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts
Thank you to all of those who signed my Petition and thank you so much for your continued support, it means the absolute world to me. I will be listed as 2 on the ballot but hope to be number 1 in your hearts. It has been an honor and absolute privilege to serve as your Deputy Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts over the past five years.
During my years of service, I have had the rare opportunity of being trained on the job by our current Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts, Kathy Schroeder. I know the duties and responsibilities of the Prothonotary/Clerk of Court inside and out.
I am very well versed in criminal and civil procedure, which is a must for this position. I also have a deep passion for this job and working with the public.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to get to know a lot of you personally and professionally. I want to continue to serve the citizens of Potter County, without any disruption in service. There will be no growing pains or learning curves, as I currently assist our Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts on a daily basis.
I look forward to being your Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts and would appreciate your support and vote in the upcoming primary election. Vote experience; honesty and dedication. Vote Ashley Gledhill.
Endorsed by Kathy S. Schroeder, Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts
Ad Paid For By The Candidate
PennDOT Issues Update on Route 255/219 Safety Improvement Project
DuBois, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) updated drivers on its safety improvement project on Routes 255 and 219 between Treasure Lake and the Clearfield/Jefferson County line. The project will improve PennDOT’s ability to manage traffic flow through the corridor when it routes traffic off the Interstate due to traffic events.
Starting Monday, March 20, the contractor will begin installation of new traffic signal cabinets and controllers at the intersections along these routes. The existing signals must be disabled before installing the new ones. Flaggers in the roadway will provide traffic control at these intersections while the contractor performs this work. Drivers should expect some delays during this work, but the contractor is timing the work so as not to interfere with school arrival and dismissal.
Overall work activity includes upgrading traffic signal controllers to include radar detection units and communications radios. It also includes installing closed-circuit televisions and dynamic message signs, guide rail installation, and miscellaneous construction.
Bruce & Merrilees Electric Company of New Castle, PA, is the contractor on this $1.2 million project. PennDOT anticipates completion in December, but all work is weather dependent.
Motorists are encouraged to “Know Before They Go” by checking conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles by visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information, and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras.
The Hamilton-Gibson Children and Youth Choirs and local vocalists Penny Eckman and Houston Baker and his band are presenting “Let It Be: The Music of The Beatles” this Saturday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m. and again this Sunday, March 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Coolidge Theatre at the Deane Center for the Performing Arts at 104 Main Street in Wellsboro.
This event is a fundraiser for the HG Choirs’ Spring Performance Tour to the Flight 93 Memorial and the Pittsburgh area on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 12, 13 and 14.
Among the Beatles’ tunes being performed are: “Eleanor Rigby”, “Yesterday”, “Blackbird”, “Hey Jude”, “Yellow Submarine”, “Octopus’s Garden”, “Here Comes The Sun”, “Imagine”, “Don’t Let Me Down”, and “Back in the U.S.S.R.”
Choir members commented on which of the songs was their favorite to sing. Justin Gordon and Renae Casson, both of Wellsboro, chose “Let It Be.” “It’s a powerful song and has universal meanings,” Justin said. “It’s really inspiring and motivating,” said Renae “and definitely sticks with you.”
Gracie Bishop of Liberty and Rachel and Kiah James of Millerton chose “Eleanor Rigby.” “It really expresses a tragic story using a great combination of words and music,” Gracie said. “I really like the story it tells,” said Kiah. I connect with that. Our parents were Beatles fans so we’ve listened to Beatles’ music all our lives.” Rachel said, “I love Eleanor Rigby. I can relate to some of the descriptions of these lonely people, like ‘wearing a face that she leaves at the door.’”
Admission is $16 for adults and $8 for youth, 18 and under. Tickets are available online at
For more information, call Hamilton-Gibson Productions at 570-724-2079 or email
The Step Outdoors Winter Outings Series continues this Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the Potter-Tioga Maple Producers 19th Annual Maple Weekend, including the Maple Weekend Open House at Hills Creek State Park this Saturday, March 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Maple Weekend Open House at Hills Creek is This Saturday, March 18
Bring the whole family to Hills Creek State Park between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. this Saturday, March 18 for the Maple Weekend Open House. Free and open to the public, the one-day open house is being held in conjunction with the Potter-Tioga Maple Producers 19th Annual Maple Weekend. The park is in Charleston Township, seven miles northeast of Wellsboro in Tioga County. The park’s address is 111 Spillway Road, Wellsboro, PA 16901.
At Hills Creek, plan to spend 45 minutes to experience what each maple station has to offer. At the park’s sugarhouse, located near the beach parking area and large pavilion, visitors can find out how to ‘tap’ into this natural resource in their own backyards, see how pure maple syrup is processed from tree to table and taste the finished product.
Learn how to identify maple trees, how to tap them and collect sap, how the finished product is made and about the history of maple syrup making.
Large groups should contact the park by calling 570-724-4246 weekdays to schedule a private tour either on Maple Weekend or on a different date in-season as schedules and Mother Nature allows.
For more information about the open house, call Hills Creek State Park at 570-724-4246.
19th Annual Maple Weekend is This Saturday and Sunday, March 18 & 19
The Potter-Tioga Maple Producers 19th Annual Maple Weekend is this Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and 19. The 23 participating maple producers in Tioga and Potter counties will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. To download the 19th Annual Maple Weekend brochure, which includes directions to each producer’s location and the type of maple products they will have available for purchase, visit
To learn more about all Winter Outings events or for updates, trail conditions, directions and more, visit Snow and ice updates are also posted on Facebook at Step Outdoors Tioga County PA.
Black Forest Falcons Start With A Win
The Black Forest Falcons Youth Trap Team started their season with a 175-159 win over Smethport. It was an exceptionally cold and windy night which made shooting difficult for both teams. The Top 8 Black Forest Falcons:
Carl Bryant – 23
Lucas Risser – 23
Caine Wright- 22
Owen Daniels – 22
Blake Risser – 22
Tyler Boyd – 21
Cale DeLong – 21
Owen Gill – 21Their next match will be home against Oswayo Valley on March 28th at 430pm.
This Friday, March 17 at 3:45 p.m., the first day of Hamilton-Gibson’s “Cats” Winter Theatre Arts Camp in the Coolidge Theatre at the Deane Center for the Performing Arts at 104 Main Street in Wellsboro, fourth through tenth graders who live in Galeton, Southern Tioga or Wellsboro Area School District communities and attend public or private schools or are home schooled can bring their completed registration forms with them to camp.
The camp is free. Each camper will receive the script, printed materials, a T-shirt and instruction in theatre arts.
The registration form for the camp is available on the Hamilton-Gibson website at or can be requested by calling HG at 570-724-2079 or emailing
In order to participate in the camp, the registration form must be filled out, signed by a parent or guardian and the camper, and turned in on March 17.
The after school camp will be in the Coolidge Theatre from 3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, March 17; Monday, March 20; Wednesday, March 22; Friday, March 24; Monday, March 27; Wednesday, March 29; Thursday, March 30; Friday, March 31 and Saturday, April 1 (9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), Monday, April 3; Wednesday, April 5; Friday, April 7; Monday, April 10 and Wednesday, April 12.
Campers will have fun learning choreography, how to project their voices when speaking and singing and how to create a character.
The camp will end with Pay-What-You-Can performances for the public at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 14 and at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 15 in the Coolidge Theatre.
“The show is a full hour of singing and dancing with very little dialogue, which is a departure from our typical camp productions. It offers a number of solo opportunities and features an ensemble throughout rather than a title character or just a few people with a lot of lines,” said Thomas Putnam, Hamilton-Gibson artistic director.
For more information, email or call the H-G office at 570-724-2079.
McKean County Coroner Seeks Help to locate relatives of William Molnar Jr.
McKean County Coroner Office
Michael F. Cahill, McKean County Coroner, is asking for the public’s assistance in helping to locate relatives of William Molnar Jr., his date of birth is November 9, 1958. William resided in Ritterville at the time of his death.
His parents are known to be William and Sophie Molnar Sr. who resided in Mt. Alton and Ritterville.
He is believed to have been married and divorced. He and his former wife are believed to have lived in the Akron, OH area. She is believed to be deceased and may have surviving children in the Ohio area.
If anyone has information about William, please call Michael Cahill at 814-362-6643.
Mike Cahill,
McKean County Coroner
Reminder: Driveway Improvements That Connect to State Highways Require a Permit
Montoursville, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is reminding property owners that if planned property improvements include constructing or altering a driveway that connects to a state highway, a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) must first be obtained by PennDOT.
HOPs for driveways are required by Section 420 of Title 36, also known as the State Highway Law. Property owners without these permits should obtain one from PennDOT as the permit legitimizes the driveway and is evidence of the driveway’s compliance with the law.
Permit applications may be submitted online or by using paper applications. To apply online, visit the department’s webpage on permits by typing “PennDOT HOP” into the search bar. On the page applicants may access PennDOT’s Electronic Permitting System (ePermitting) or complete a paper application by downloading the form here or by typing “PennDOT HOP related forms” into your search bar.
UPMC Expert: Ear Ringing Explained
Jeremy Reed, M.D.
Otolaryngology, UPMC
According to urban legend, your ears ring when someone is talking about you; according to doctors, it’s tinnitus. This ringing can be described as a phantom noise, or sounds that aren’t actually there, and can include high-pitched squeals or low rumbles. While this isn’t technically a disease, these symptoms, among others that amount to a tinnitus diagnosis, may drastically affect your quality of life.
Causes of Tinnitus
Tinnitus may occur for several reasons, including some of the following examples:
Roulette Fire Dispatched For LZ at Buckler’s
At 1:45 PM on Wednesday, Roulette Fire Dept. dispatched to Buckler Trucking for a landing zone for Mercyflight & Roulette ambulance.
Port Allegany Music Department & Drama Club to present Bright Star
The Port Allegany Music Department and Drama Club will present Bright Star on Friday, March 17 and Saturday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Tickets for the event can be purchased online. Adult tickets are $10 and $6 for Senior Citizens and students. Visit the district website or Facebook page for ticket link. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Bright Star music, book and story are by Steve Martin; music, lyrics and story by Edie Brickell.
Potter County youth at the 2022 Northwinds 4-H Camp
Summer camps across the state are preparing for a season of hands-on and engaging programs designed for youth of all ages. The Potter County 4-H program is no different. Counselors and staff are currently working on creating and preparing for their busiest season of the year, which includes Northwinds residential camp.
Northwinds 4-H Camp provide a safe environment for building communication, self-esteem, and healthy habits while challenging 4-H members to grow in a variety of ways, push themselves to their full potential, and learn outside of their comfort zone daily. 4-H camp is an outstanding place for youth of all ages to continue to grow as an individual and have an engaging experience surrounded by caring adults who genuinely care about camper experience. Youth at Northwinds participate in a variety of hands-on activities, including food science, crafts, and swimming. While the camp experience for each participant is unique, the life skills, positive youth development opportunities, and friendships created will remain the same.
Registration for the 2023 Northwinds 4-H Camp will be opening soon on zSuites, the 4-H enrollment system. Camp will be taking place at Camp Penuel East in Eldred, PA from June 20-23, 2023. All youth between the ages of 8-13 as of January 1st are eligible to attend. Cost to participate is $200, with scholarships available to Potter County 4-H members at the Extension Office.
If you are interested in learning more about Northwinds 4-H Camp, call the Potter County Extension Office at 814-274-8540 or email Spencer Gee, 4-H Educator, at Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status.
To become a certified pesticide applicator in Pennsylvania, passing a written exam is required. This exam will be offered at the Penn State Extension office at 7 Water Street in Coudersport on Wednesday, April 5th from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Anyone interested in either a private applicator license or a commercial/public applicator license should:
Step 1: Obtain a Pesticide Applicator Certification Study packet online at or call Penn State Extension at 1-877-345-0691.
Step 2: Register to take the exam at the PaPlants Certification Exam search page
All exams require pre-registration through the PA Department of Agriculture. This can be done on the above website, or you can call the PDA regional office and ask for Jay Bagley (717-731-2463).
Step 3: On the day of the exam, make sure you bring the following:
- Government issued photo identification, i.e., driver’s license or two other forms of identification, such as a government issued document with signature (social security card, green card) or a document with name and address (utility bill, tax statement, personal check).
- #2 pencil and paper
- Private applicator packet – (private applicators have open book exams. Exam proctors have the right to review and reject all materials brought into the exam.)
- A simple calculator for math questions – phones are not allowed in the exam room
- Payment (there is only a fee for commercial and public applicator exams)
- Business license numbers if business is currently licensed
Examinees have three hours to take the exam which consists of 75 multiple choice questions. Exam results are received within 30 days.
NPRC Named Candidate for Accreditation by Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
On March 9, 2023, Northern Pennsylvania Regional College was granted the status of Candidate for Accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). MSCHE is a voluntary, non-governmental, institutional accreditor recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) that accredits higher educational institutions.
NPRC’s Accreditation Readiness Report was acknowledged and accepted at the March 2023 Commission Meeting after MSCHE representatives completed site visits in November 2022. With this announcement, NPRC is invited to begin the self-study process based on continuous improvement of the College’s compliance; assessment; and integration of the Commission’s Standards for Accreditation, Requirements of Affiliation, MSCHE policies and procedures, and all applicable federal regulatory requirements.
NPRC’s President, Susan Snelick, noted, “This is a significant milestone and one of the most important days in the young history of Northern Pennsylvania Regional College. I am proud of the entire NPRC team, legislative advocates, students, and our community and location partners. We look forward to continuing to work closely alongside the Middle States Commission on Higher Education as we strive to meet NPRC’s mission and service the region’s residents and employers.”
Institutions with Candidacy status are required to achieve accreditation affirmation within five years. While pursuing accreditation, Candidate institutions are eligible to complete the application process to award Title IV Financial Aid. This aid includes programs associated with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ®). Upon successful Title IV application completion, the College will be eligible to award aid such as Pell grants and Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) funding in addition to the institutional aid the institution currently awards our enrollees.
NPRC will continue to provide further updates on the institution’s status for accreditation and status of being awarded Title IV aid as they become available.
About NPRC: Northern Pennsylvania Regional College (NPRC) is authorized by the PA Department of Education to award associate degrees and certificates in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. NPRC is an open-admission, two-year institution of higher education. The College’s mission is to provide affordable and accessible post-secondary education to the residents of northern Pennsylvania. NPRC brings affordable education to a nine-county region (Cameron, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, McKean, Potter, Venango, and Warren). With flexible scheduling options at numerous instructional locations, attending Northern Pennsylvania Regional is an excellent option for individuals interested in furthering their education close to home. With a growing team of high-quality industry-leading instructors directing our classrooms, students are empowered by a welcoming community to change their lives and brighten their futures. NPRC is actively pursuing accreditation.