NTL Boys Basketball Allstars

Roulette Township Meeting March 20th @4:30pm
1) Marco quotes tables from last meeting
1) Resolution 06-2025 Add Brian Drabert as Signer at C & N Bank
2) Hire temporary summer help
3) Rent/purchase hot box & Roller
4) To Fill A Back Packpermission to have vendor Fair weekend of Fireworks – July 19th 9 am – 7 pm
5) Cody Lentz terminate contract
6) Defining call-out time
1) ERB Monthly Report
NEXT MEETING 4/10/2025 16:30
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced the contractor for a bridge replacement project impacting a Route 4025 (Brizzee Hollow Road) bridge spanning Brizzie Hollow Run near Oswayo will begin Monday, March 24. Replacing it will remove a 17-ton weight limitation for single vehicles and a 24-ton limitation for combination vehicles while improving the overall condition rating from poor to good.
Starting Monday, the contractor will begin installing erosion and sedimentation control measures and setting up traffic control signage within the work zone. PennDOT does not expect this work to impact traffic as it will take place off the roadway.
Starting Monday, April 14, the contractor will close the bridge and implement a detour using Route 244 (Main Street/Oswayo Road) and Route 4023 (Eleven Mile Road). This detour will remain in place for the duration of the project.
Overall work on the project consists of demolishing the existing bridge, building its replacement, paving, guide rail installation, and miscellaneous construction. Twin Tiers Constructors, LLC. of Buffalo, NY, is the contractor on this $1.2 million project. PennDOT anticipates them completing the project in late August. All work is weather-dependent.
WARREN – For nearly a year, Northern Pennsylvania Regional College (NPRC) has been taking part in a research-based, grant-funded project featuring 14 rural institutions of higher education across the United States called the Rural College Design and Data Academy. The organization conducting the project, called Education Design Lab, is based out of Washington D.C. and in 12 years has worked with over 1,200 colleges and organizations and over 1,000 employers to help in education programs and pathways development that better serve students for the future. These institutions, including NPRC, are learning and applying human-centered design processes to create offerings and pilots that address the unique needs of rural communities
Education Design Lab and NPRC have been working side-by-side to unveil a group of initiatives focusing on how to better serve community members and students in our shared locations in Emporium and Kane. The goal of the venture is to create equitable and career-driven pathways to economic agility for rural learners. Ultimately, NPRC is hopeful to bring more relevant programming, community collaboration, and overall opportunities into these new spaces to advance the College’s mission of providing affordable and accessible education in NPRC’s 10-county service area.
As the days grow longer, many of us take the opportunity to refresh our homes with a good spring cleaning. Just like clearing out clutter and dust, spring is the perfect time to reassess our wellness routines and make positive changes that can last all year. The following tips are essential to refresh your health and setting yourself up for a season of wellness.
Refresh Your Diet
A new season means that many fruits and vegetables will be at their prime for your advantage. Visit local farmers’ markets or pay attention to special grocery store selections to incorporate more nutrient-rich foods into your meals. Leafy greens, berries, and citrus fruits are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that support immune function and overall health.
Get Moving Outdoors
Celebrate the longer daylight hours and warmer weather by getting active outside. Whether it’s a walk after dinner, gardening, or a weekend hike, find enjoyable ways to move your body. Exercise not only helps with weight management but also reduces stress and boosts your mood.
20 Years of Learning about Deer and Hunters in the Kinzua Quality Deer Cooperative
Thursday, April 3 is the last day to register for the April 10 Roach-Bauer Forestry Forum on Deer and Hunters in the Kinzua Quality Deer Cooperative. John Dzemyan, Leader of the Kinzua Quality Deer Cooperative (KQDC), will highlight results of the past 20 years. This Forum will be of value to anybody interested in management of forested landscapes. Social hour starts at 4:30 p.m. with dinner at 5:30 p.m.
John Dzemyan is a well-known naturalist and woodsman in North Central Pennsylvania, and is beloved for his interesting presentations on natural events. John currently serves as the Coordinator for the KQDC, is an avid deer hunter, and a former Game Warden, Laborer, and Lands Manager with the Pennsylvania Game Commission. John worked in Cameron, Elk, and McKean Counties for over 40 years. John first joined the KQDC Leadership team over 20 years ago. His insights to deer management will entertain attendees and enhance the information learned over the last 20-plus years on the KQDC.
Need an activity while visiting the area? Potter County Artisan Co-op can arrange a private group class for you and your friends at your convenience. Just call ahead or message us on Facebook.
To register for these classes or events, please call the Potter County Artisan Co-op on 814-274-8165. The co-op is located at 227 N. Main Street. The co-op’s winter hours are Monday through Friday 12 to 4:00 pm and Saturday 9-5pm.
Events and classes are supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the Elk County Council on the Arts, state agencies funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
A Celebration of Life for Geraldine (Gerri) Miller will be held on Saturday, March 29 at 1:00 pm at the Riverside United Methodist Church, 30 River Street in Roulette PA. Please come and honor Gerri’s life by sharing your memories during this fellowship of friends and family. Dinner will served in the church social room after the service.
On Monday, March 17th, the Coudersport Area Lions Club hosted a St. Patrick’s Day party for the delightful residents of Cole Manor. Fun games, good food, and great company made for a festive afternoon for all! The Coudersport Area Lions Club meets the first Monday of each month at 3:30 PM in the Ambulance Hall located at 122 E 2nd Street. The Lions Club is a volunteer organization that supports our local community through service projects. If you are interested in finding out more about the Lions, please feel free to join us at one of our meetings, or call 814-203-3664.
More Pictures Below
The Wolfinger Family Donor Advised Fund, established in 2019 by Connie and Harold “Sandy” Wolfinger, recently awarded $5,148 in grants to local school districts to support special projects and educational enrichment programs.
The Smethport Area School District received $1,000: $500 each for the Smethport DECA Field Trip Fund and the PA Elk Restoration Unit and Wildlife Comparative Anatomy & Classification.
The DECA Field Trip Fund allowed Smethport students to travel to the Pennsylvania State Career Development Conference in Hershey, PA. These students were awarded the opportunity to compete among 3,500 students and grow in their chosen areas of business, entrepreneurship and hospitality.
A SENIOR EXPO AND POTTER COUNTY SENIOR CENTER’S COUNTY WIDE GET-TOGETHER will be held at the Coudersport Arboretum located at 201 S West Street, Coudersport, on Monday, July 21, 2025 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. In the event of rain, the event will be held at the Gunzburger County Office Building gymnasium located at 1 North Main Street, Coudersport. Enter at the rear of the building.
The SENIOR EXPO is sponsored by the Coudersport Arboretum Association and in collaboration with Potter County Human Services Area Agency on Aging. The Potter County Senior Center’s County Wide Get-together will again join the Senior Expo. Participants from the Coudersport, Galeton, Ulysses and Oswayo Valley Senior Centers will attend to visit the vendor displays, enjoy morning refreshments, a hot dog lunch and participate in games and activities.
Working to boost access to health care in rural communities, Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) today joined a majority in the state House to approve legislation that would create a grant program aimed at boosting recruitment of health care providers.
“People in rural communities deserve access to quality health care without having to travel for hours to get it. It’s not just a matter of convenience but public safety,” Causer said. “One of the challenges facing our hospitals in providing that care is the ability to recruit physicians and other health care professionals to practice in areas like ours. This grant program would provide a valuable incentive to help.”
Today, the House Commerce Committee unanimously approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams), which would make cash an acceptable form of payment for admission to school-sponsored events.
“Currently, many schools across our Commonwealth are rejecting cash as a form of payment for school-sponsored activities and are instead requiring spectators to use credit or debit cards. To make matters worse, some events, particularly those involving the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), conduct ticket sales exclusively online through an app,” said Moul. “These policies have disenfranchised many seniors, poor people and children who may not have credit cards, smart phones or the technical capabilities to access the internet to purchase tickets.
“Ticket purchases via the internet or apps also require buyers to surrender a lot of personal information. This is particularly troublesome for senior citizens, a group often targeted by scams. People simply want to see their child, grandchild or friends play ball. My billwould permit anyone willing to pay with cash – the legal currency of the United States – to gain admission to a high school sporting event or activity. We should be encouraging the public to attend, not shutting them out,” Moul said.
House Bill 685 now goes to the full House for consideration.
To see Moul’s comments and discussion in committee, visit https://repmoul.com/video/latestvideo
The Bytes & Insights workshops aim to bridge the generational digital divide by empowering senior citizens with accessible technological support while providing practical clinical experience for high school IT students. 9
This class will allow seniors to bring their technical questions and challenges, fostering a supportive environment for learning and interaction.
The Education Council’s Seniors 2 Seniors program provides Bytes & Insights workshops free to Potter County senior citizens.
A combination of dry and windy conditions this afternoon will create an elevated risk of wildfire spread across Central Pennsylvania. Minimum relative humidity values will range from 20
to 30 percent accompanied by southerly wind gusts between 20 and 30 mph.
Residents are urged to exercise caution if handling any potential ignition sources, such as machinery, cigarettes, or matches. Hold on to your cigarette butts! If dry grasses and tree litter begin to burn, the fire will have the potential to spread rapidly.
For more information about wildfire danger and wildfire prevention and education, please visit the Pennsylvania Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources website at
Meetings are being live streamed right on our website now:
March 19, 2025
The Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) is immediately terminating the temporary authority originally communicated on April 29, 2022. The authority allowed some non-U.S. Citizens to be eligible to apply for a guaranteed loan. As of March 18, 2025, the temporary authority is no longer valid. Updates to Chapter 8 of Handbook 1-3555 are forthcoming.
In addition, USDA is posting a Job Aid to help assist you in determining eligibility on the USDA LINC Training and Resource Library.
Thank you for supporting the Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program!
HEADLINE: NYS Missing Vulnerable Adult Alert Alert for PARIS COTTON on March 18, 2025 at 02:08 pm has been cancelled.
DESCRIPTION: The New York State Missing Vulnerable Adult Alert on behalf of the Cheektowaga Town Police Department for PARIS COTTON is now cancelled as of 06:14 pm on March 18, 2025.
Elk County organizations are invited to apply for grants through the current round of funding available through the Harrison and Muriel Dauer Stackpole Fund, held at the Elk County Community Foundation.
The deadline to apply is April 15, 2025. The fund offers an open grant process that seeks to support causes and projects that improve the quality of life in our Elk County area.
The Port Allegany Rotary Club will once again host A Night at the Races, Saturday, April 5 at the Port Allegany Moose Lodge located at 35 Pearl Street. Doors will open at 5 p.m. and races begin at 6 p.m. The night will feature 11 high definition DVD horse races projected on a big screen – 10 horses in each race. Action race 11 – attendees can bid to buy a horse for this race at the end of race 10. There will be a best hat contest. There will be $2 (cash only) bests on each race, games of chance, 50/50 tickets, door prizes, a cash bar and food for purchase. The horses and jockeys will be sold in advance and randomly placed in races after all 100 are sold. To purchase, text 814-598-1942 for details. Tickets for the event are available from any Rotarian, at Karen’s Styling Salon, Davenport Port Beverage and JVB bank at a cost of $20. Race caller is “Racin’ Jason Christopher. You must be 21 to attend. No outside alcohol is permitted. .
Pennsylvania pesticide applicators seeking recertification credits can earn two core and two category credits in private category, 01 or 18 during an upcoming Penn State Extension workshop.
The “Agronomic Pesticide Update” workshops will take place in the following nearby locations:
Hoss’s Steak and Sea House in St Marys, Pa on March 19 from 10am to noon
Penn State DuBois Hiller Auditorium in DuBois, Pa on March 19 from 7pm to 9pm