Coudersport Ambulance to Dialysis Center
At 2:41 PM on Wednesday, Coudersport Ambulance has been dispatched to the Dialysis Center at UPMC Cole for a man ill.
At 2:41 PM on Wednesday, Coudersport Ambulance has been dispatched to the Dialysis Center at UPMC Cole for a man ill.
At 9:26 AM on Wednesday, Roulette Ambulance has been called to Sartwell Creek Road for difficulty breathing.
At 3:33 PM on Tuesday, Shinglehouse ambulance was dispatched to N. Union Street for seizures.
At 1:35 PM on Tuesday, Millerton Fire Dept. has been dispatched for a wildfire that has spread to a residence at 468 Tears Road in Rutland Township . Second alarm for Blossburg, Wellsboro, Tioga & Mansfield ambulance. The roof of the residence has now collapsed.
At 7:52 PM on Monday, Lafayette Fire Rescue & Bradford City Ambulance were dispatched to 3972 Rt. 59 for a car/deer crash with possible injuries.
At 1:44 PM on Monday, Cuba Fire & EMS was dispatched to 9940 Shaffer Road for a male that was a victim of a roof collapse and was pinned. He has since been freed. Air medical was requested on standby. Air medical cancelled. The male is being transported to OGH by ground ambulance.
At 1:34 PM on Monday, Austin Ambulance has been dispatched to Gardeau Road for syncope.
Around 10 pm we were dispatched to County Road 31 for a reported structure fire, a garage with no exposures.
Scio 1, 2, 7, 701 and all chiefs responded. Upon the first chief’s arrival, it was declared the garage was fully involved and Belmont and Friendship were requested for a pumper and tanker to the scene. Belmont’s pumper was redirected to establish a fill site on 31 at the dry hydrant. Wellsville Volunteer Ambulance Corps., Inc. had 2 ambulances on scene for rehab and Allentown Volunteer Fire Company Inc. was on standby in their quarters for us. All units were back in service around 2 am, thanks to all agencies and departments on great work.
At 10:30 AM on Monday, Highland Fire Dept. & Kane ambulance dispatched to one-vehicle crash on RT. 948.
Just before midnight on Thursday, our company was requested full response to a working structure fire on CR 8 in the town of Wirt. Engine 2, Tanker 7 and Chief 501 answered the request. E2 was requested to establish a fill site for tanker shuttle operations at the Richburg Rod & Gun Club while T7 and crew assisted on scene. Units cleared the call around 03:00 hours.
On March 11 at 12:45 am Derrick City Fire Dept. was dispatched to the Sheetz at 2 Bolivar Dr. for a commercial fire alarm.
On March 10, at 10:13 pm Belmont and Scio Fire Department and Wellsville Ambulance were dispatched to 5435 Country Rd. 31 for a working structure fire.
On March 10, at 6:40 pm Smethport, Port Allegany, Bradford Twp, and Norwich Fire Depts. with Coudersport Tower were dispatched to 308 Holmes St. for an oven fire. Smoke is reported coming from the front door
At 6:15 PM on Sunday, Bradford Township Fire Dept. was dispatched to West Warren Road ner Songbird Road for traffic control at a vehicle crash at the request of police.
At 5:45 PM on Sunday, Hilltop Fire Dept. & City ambulance have been dispatched to RT. 646 & Minard Run road for a 2-vehicle motor vehicle crash. 3 occupants are involved. Rew was dispatched to assist.
At 10:30 AM on Sunday, Coudersport & Ulysses Fire & EMS has been dispatched to 3249 Rt. 49 West of Ulysses for a report of a vehicle on its side. RECALLED. No injury.
On March 9, at 6:37 pm Roulette Ambulance was dispatched to Sartwell Creek Rd. for a woman ill
At 11:10 AM on Saturday, Coudersport Fire Dept. dispatched for a tree down on Buffalo Street.
On March 8, at 9:36 pm Mansfield Fire and Ambulance were dispatched for a truck vs bus crash at 14519 Rt. 6. The bus has 15 passengers with no injuries with unknown injuries for the truck occupants.
Crash on I-86 westbound Town of Friendship; Town of Cuba Line (Cuba) 1 Left lane of 2 lanes closed Single lane Obey flaggers
Visit for more information
At 12:10 PM on Friday, Coudersport Fire & EMS and Port Allegany VFD for RIT, have been dispatched to an explosion & house fire jn Homer Township at North Ayers Hill Road & Cherry Tree Lane. Report no one injured in the explosion. Fire is reported under control.
On March 8 at 9:07 am Smethport Fire Dept. and Pheonix Ambulance were dispatched to W. Water St. and S. Marvin St. for a Two Car MVA
On March 7, at 11:54 Bolivar, Clarksville, Richburg, Allentown, and Friendship Fire Depts. were dispatched for a fully involved structure at 2657 County Rd. 8. Shinglehouse has been dispatched to Bolivar for standby
At 6:13 PM on Thursday, Roulette Ambulance has been called to Third Street for altered level of consciousness.
On Tuesday morning at 5:15 am, Elkland Sar was requested by the Sheffield Vol. Fire Dept. to respond to assist them with a search. A 65-year-old male went missing from a hike Monday afternoon and didn’t return to his residence from the Allegheny National Forest. Search operations were run throughout the night in the hopes of locating the individual. At 5 am, the searchers pulled back to rest.
As searchers were being dropped off to start their search tasks in the morning, the individual made his way to a road and was transported back to the Command Post and evaluated by a medical team. ( I apologize for not knowing what agency they were from).
It was noted the individual had a medical emergency while hiking and after resting the night was able to continue walking out in the morning. Also worth noting, was the individual was prepared with a backpack and built a fire to keep warm throughout the night.
At 5:35 AM on Wednesday, Shinglehouse ambulance has been called to the 1500 block of Rt. 44 South for a man fallen.
Dept 6,26 dispatched for a reported vehicle fire. Engine 6-2, Lieutenant 6(S. Davies), with a crew of 4 responded 2 mins after the dispatch. Engine 6-2 arrived on scene to find a working fire in the engine compartment and Lieutenant 6 established command. Engine crew went to work deploying a line and quickly got water on the fire. Tanker 6-5 responded and was staged across the road so we did not impede traffic flow. Sabinsville ambulance 26-6 was on scene and ready to provide care for anyone in need.
Members responding were Chief D. Bloom, Asst Chief R. Bloom, Asst Chief M. Bloom, Asst Chief J. Druetto, Lieutenant S. Davies, FF J. Peet, FF S. Zerby
Probationary members N. Peet, K. Rice, R. Burrell, T. Baltozer
Support member D. Bloom
At 1:17 PM on Tuesday, Westons Mills & Portville Fire Depts. are dispatched to assist Town of Olean Fire Dept. with a grass fire.