Port Allegany Ambulance to Lower Portage Road
At 4:22 PM on Sunday, Port Allegany ambulance has been called to Lower Portage Road for seizures.
At 4:22 PM on Sunday, Port Allegany ambulance has been called to Lower Portage Road for seizures.
At 1:36 PM on Sunday, Smethport Fire & Ambulance have been dispatched to 6019Rt. 46 East for a one vehicle crash into a culvert. Unknown injuries. One occupant.
Congratulations to our 2023 Officers for the Lawrenceville Vol Fire Dept:
Chief 8 Brad Hackett
Chief 8-10 TJ Riley
Chief 8-20 Chad Southard
President Lee Strange
Vice President Mike Keeney
Secretary Jillane Hoyt-Strange
Treasurer Joyce Nichols
Board of Directors Jim Brockway, Justin Nichols and Scott A. Shutt
Congratulations to our 2023 Relief Officers of the Lawrenceville fire dept.
President Judy Thomas
Vice President Mike Keeney
Secretary Joyce Nichols
Treasurer Tina King
Congratulations to everyone new positions go in effect at Midnight
At 1:09 PM on Sunday, Port Allegany ambulance has been dispatched to Ransom Street for a diabetic emergency.
Roulette ambulance dispatched.
At 12:43 PM on Sunday, Port Allegany ambulance has been called to North Brooklynside Road for seizures.
At 11:24 AM on Sunday, Fire Dept. has been dispatched for traffic control on Route 555 for a large boulder on the roadway near Mix Run. PennDOT is responding.
At 10:37 AM on Sunday, Mt. Jewett fire & ambulance & Hamlin Twp. fire have been dispatched to Rt. 219 & Rt. 6 for a 2 vehicle crash.
At 7:22 PM on Saturday, Mansfield, Tioga & Lawrenceville are dispatched to Rt. 15 Southbound at 188 MM for a 2 vehicle crash with confinement.
At 12:20 PM on Saturday, Wellsboro Fire Dept. has been dispatched to 21 East Delmar Meadows for a mobile home fire. Request Middlebury & Morris to scene mutual aid. Everyone is reported out of the home.
12:32 PM–No fire. Issue with hot water tank. Middlebury & Morris RECALLED.
At 5:39 PM on Friday, Coudersport Fire Dept. has been dispatched to Irish Farm Road & East Second Street for a natural gas leak outside.
At 3:36 PM on Friday, Canaseraga Fire & EMS have been dispatched to a one car crash on Big Hollow Road.
At 3:35 PM on Friday, Mansfield Fire & EMS dispatched to Walmart parking lot for a vehicle into a pole with injuries near the garden center.
At 3:10 PM on Friday, Portville Fire Rescue & EMS have been dispatched to a 2 vehicle crash on Route 305 in the Town of Genesee with injuries. Clarksville to close Rt. 305 at Wolf Creek Road.
At 3:10 PM on Friday, Port Allegany ambulance has been called to Dolly Brook Road for a one year old child choking.
At 3:07 PM on Friday, Mansfield Fire Dept. & EMS have been dispatched to 1409 South Main Street for a 2 vehicle crash with injuries. Vehicles are a pickup truck & a passenger car. One vehicle may have struck a building. 3 injured on scene. Road partially blocked.
At 2:10 PM on Friday, Town of Olean Fire Dept. has been dispatched to a house fire. Knapp Creek has been dispatched with a tanker. Portville has been asked to send their air truck to the scene at 2615 Stoney Brook Road in the Town.
Smethport Fire Department Inc.
Busy morning for Smethport Fire Police. First call came in at 0726 to 8271 Route 46 for a tractor trailer blocking the highway after attempting to turn around in a private driveway. A large wrecker needed to be brought in to remove the truck. PSP was on scene. 270 (J Dougherty) had command. Fire Police were on scene for aprx 2 hours.
A second call was dispatched at 0958 for traffic control on Route 6 West for medical call with Port Allegany Ambulance and Utility 25. Emergency personnel were unable to access the driveway with vehicles due to icy conditions. Traffic control.was provided for aprx 45 minutes.
At 1:36 PM on Friday, Port Allegany ambulance has been called to Rt. 155 South for a hemorrhage.
At 1:36 PM on Friday, Lafayette Fire Dept. & City ambulance have been dis[patched to Route 59 near Bingham Road for a vehicle into a tree crash.
At 12:35 PM on Friday, Farmersville Fire Dept. & Rushford ambulance have been dispatched to a MVA near the intersection of Rt. 243/98. 2 additional ambulances & air medical have been requested.
At 12:17 PM on Friday, Shinglehouse ambulance has been called to Honeoye Road for a diabetic emergency.
At 6:24 PM on Thursday, Coudersport Fire & EMS has been dispatched to 200 Radio Tower Lane for a land rescue of a patient in a sledding accident about 50 yards off the roadway.
At 6:23 PM on Thursday, Bradford Twp. Fire Dept to a vehicle into a garage crash at 1098 South Avenue.
At 6:03 PM on Thursday, Port Allegany ambulance has been dispatched to Church Street for a fall victim.
Roulette Ambulance Dispatched.
At 5:58 PM on Thursday, Bradford Township Fire Dept. dispatched to Bradford Forest Products on High Street for a commercial Fire Alarm.
At 3:59 PM on Thursday, Mansfield Fire & EMS are responding to a 2 vehicle crash on Newtown Hill Road. One vehicle is over an embankment. Crash involves a passenger vehicle and a Blue Ridge Cable truck. All occupants are denying injuries.
At 1:00 PM on Thursday, Willing Fire & Wellsville Ambulance have been dispatched to 1542 River Road for a vehicle into pole crash.
At 11:59 AM on Thursday, Wellsville Fire Dept. has been dispatched to 4372 Niles Hill Road for a rekindle of last nights house fire. Allentown, Scio & Willing dispatched as well.
At 9:55 AM on Thursday, Wellsboro Fire Dept. has been dispatched to an automatic fire alarm at 1888 Shumway Hill Road.
Maintenance reports false alarm.
On December 28 at 11:01 pm Port Allegany ambulance was dispatched to Upper Portage Rd. for seizures