Roulette fire and ambulance were dispatched carbon monoxide alarm
On January 14 at 7:43 pm. Roulette fire and ambulance were dispatched to 4th St. for carbon monoxide alarm
On January 14 at 7:43 pm. Roulette fire and ambulance were dispatched to 4th St. for carbon monoxide alarm
On January 14 at 7:00 pm Priority Care ambulance was dispatched at the request of the Smethport Police to evaluate a suspected who was tased following a traffic stop that ended in a foot pursuit
On January 14 at 6:35 pm. Austin fire Dept. was dispatched to First Fork Rd. for a search. Update individuals have been found
At 1:46 PM on Saturday, Port Allegany Ambulance has been dispatched to Church Street for a fall victim.
On January 12th, 2023 at approximately 0109 hrs City of Bradford Police Department and Fire Department responded to 2 Bushnell Street apartment 425 for a reported ruptured gas line and possible fire.
Officers responded and had to force entry where they found a ruptured gas line and several spots through out the apartment that had visibly been set on fire.
Officers located Raymond Allen inside the apartment and detained him. Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshalls were called to the scene to conduct a joint investigation. It was determined that Raymond Allen had intentionally tried to set fire to his apartment by trying to light flammable materials and rupturing a gas line.
City Officers charged Raymond Allen with Arson, Causing or Risking a Catastrophe, Reckless Endangerment, and Criminal Mischief. Magistrate Luther arraigned Allen on the charges and he was remanded to McKean County Jail on $100.000 bond. Preliminary hearings are set in the matter.
At 1:32 PM on Thursday, Austin Ambulance called to station for a possible cardiac emergency.
At 11:38 AM on Thursday, Roulette Ambulance has been called to Oak Lane for difficulty breathing.
Port Allegany medic is also responding.
On January 12 at 10:33 am. Wilcox was dispatched for a one vehicle accident
At 4:50 PM on Wednesday, Port Allegany Ambulance has been called to 3400 block of Rt.55 North for a fall victim.
At 1:17 PM on Wednesday, Shinglehouse Fire Dept. dispatched to a natural gas leak at 133 South Stevens Street. On scene reports small leak outside by meter. Units stand by in quarters.
At 11:27 AM on Wedneday, Roulette Ambulance has been dispatched to Hester Avenue for a possible full arrest. Male is now responsive.
At 11:14 AM on Wednesday, Lafayette Fire Rescue & City ambulance have been dispatched to Rt. 219 in the area of Kennedy Springs for a rollover accident with unknown details.
On January 10 at 11:06 pm. Cuba and Portville were dispatched to a vehicle fire at the corner of 3074 Wolf Creek Rd.
AT 1:56 pm 91 Boylston Street Bradford City. Residential structure fire.
On January 10 at 9:07 am. Friendship Fire and ambulance were dispatched to Bristol Rd. near County Rd. 31 A. For a one car mva car vs. pole with a knee injury.
On January 9 at 5:06 pm. Port Allegany Fire Dept. was dispatched for a pole on fire at 20151 Rt.6 between Smethport and Port Allegany
On January 9 at 3:36 pm. Kersey Fire Dept. was dispatched to a possible structure fire at 177 Sky Line Dr. there is an odor of smoke thought to be electrical in origin
On January 9 at 3:31 pm. Kane Fire Dept. and Mt. Jewett ambulance were dispatched to Rt. 219 and Westline Rd. for a two car motor vehicle accident
On January 9 at 11:57 am. Wellsville Fire Dept. was dispatched for a structure fire at Jones Memorial hospital. Recalled fire alarm was set off by dust
On January 9 at 6:17 pm. Austin and Coudersport Fire Depts. were dispatched to 104 Thorn St. for a structure fire. All units have been recalled
On January 7 at 10:05 Allegany Fire and Ambulance were dispatched for a 2 car motor vehicle with no injuries accident on 86 East
On January 7 at 10:02 pm Blossburg and Mansfield Fire depts. were dispatched to 109 Williams Rd. at the Care Home for a structure fire. Blossburg is being held in quaters
On January 7 at 5:20 pm. Coudersport ambulance was dispatched to Angel Lane in Sweden TWP. for difficulty breathing
City of Bradford Firefighters and Police Department were on scene of a working structure fire last night at 44 Williams Street at approximately 0230 hrs. Firefighters worked through the night to contain this fire and protect adjacent structures. The residents were able to get out safely!
At 11:30 AM on Saturday, Wellsville Fire Police have been dispatched to South Main & Genesee Parkway for traffic control at a 2 vehicle crash.
At 10:59 AM on Saturday, Austin Ambulance has been called to Gardeau Road for altered mental status.
At 10:20 AM on Saturday, Coudersport Ambulance has been called to Snyder Road for a full arrest
At 9:25 AM on Saturday, Andover Fire & EMS have been dispatched to Rt. 417 & County Road 12 for a 2 vehicle crash with possibly one injury.
At 8:55 AM on Saturday, Coudersport Ambulance has been called to Rt. 6 West for a fall victim. Coudersport Fire Dept. dispatched to assist with lifting.
At 8:30 AM on Saturday, Hilltop Fire Dept. & Port Allegany ambulance have been dispatched to a vehicle into a pole crash on Rt. 646 near Pithole Road. All occupants are out of the vehicle.