Bradford First Free Methodist Church 100th Anniversary Celebration
On Sunday, September 8, B-Free Church, 18 Boylston St, in Bradford will be hosting their 100-years of ministry celebration. The event will feature special guest speakers at the 10:30 worship service: Superintendent Chris Hill and retired Reverend Bob Brest who pastored the First Free Methodist Church for over 30 years. At 3:00 p.m., the public is invited to a free concert by the Misfits, a very entertaining bluegrass and southern gospel group. A dessert fellowship with an ice cream sundae bar, pies, and cakes will follow the concert.
Back in 1924, the expanding First Free Methodist Church of Bradford, located originally at 32 Pleasant Street, laid the cornerstone for their new church building at 18 Boylston Street, and the downtown ministry has continued strong ever since. A generous donation from the Sarah A. Hewitt estate provided most of the funding. The pastor at that time was Rev. L. J. Lindsey.
In 1970, the church doubled its size by adding a new addition including four Sunday School rooms, a pastor’s office, a fellowship hall, and a well-equipped kitchen.
In 2020, Jim Lenaway was named the Pastor. Later that year, the members nicknamed the church B-Free to reflect the direction and purpose of the energized and outreaching ministry.