House Fire Overnight Destroys Residence on Old Route 6 Near Galeton
Coudersport Vol Fire Dept. Reports on Mutual Aid Fire
Last evening at 2313 hours, the Second Alarm was struck for a House on Fire at the above location to assist the Goodyear Hose Co. #1. Tanker 48(w/5) responded at dispatch, followed by Truck 48(w/4), Engine 48-1(w/6) and Rescue 48(w/3).
Tanker 48 arrived as the 3rd due and pulled an additional line off of Engine 10-3 to assist with fire suppression, and also supplied them with water. Truck 48 arrived, checked the exposure building for any extension before moving to assist with fire suppression. Engine 48-1 and Rescue 48 sent their manpower forward to assist with fire suppression and extensive overhaul. Crews worked for just over 2 hours before being released.
Engine 48-1 was released from the scene and moved to a Transfer Assignment at Station 10 to cover their first due while units were still committed at the fire. All 48 units were back in service at 0350 hours.
Engine 46 from the Roulette Chemical Engine #1 covered our station while our crews worked the fire.