Think About It
Pastor B.J. Knefley
In life, we encounter numerous crossroads, moments when we are confronted with choices. Each choice sets us up to make other choices, and each choice has its own set of consequences, perhaps good or bad. The problem is that we often do not consider the consequences of our choices because we do not always make our choices with long-range planning in mind. Immediate gratification, reflecting our wants and desires, has a greater influence on our decisions than we might care to admit.
I have certain food allergies that I must deal with. The problem is that I like food, and even when I eat what I should not eat, I do not experience any immediate problems. It is usually not until the next day that my body reminds me of what I ate the day before. If I have overdone it by eating too much of those foods that are on my “do not eat list,” then I am doubly stressed. Like many of us, I do not remind myself of the cost of having immediate pleasure. Instead, I indulge only to suffer later. There is no one to blame except myself. My choices bring about my own suffering.
To the Jews, Moses said, “Today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse! You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. You will receive a curse if you reject the commands of the Lord your God and turn from his way by worshiping foreign gods.” (Deut 11:26-28). What was true then is also true today. We bring about our own demise of tomorrow by our choices of today. It does not have to be this way because we do have choices. We can choose to have blessings instead of curses, but we each need to make our choices not on the here and now but on the consequences of tomorrow. Remember, failure is not falling. Failure is not getting back up. If your choices have you in a place that you do not like, then make new ones. Your blessings might just be awaiting you. Think about it.