Steven Salada serves ham as eggs and buckwheat pancakes cook.
A total of 1,142 people, including 1,038 adults and youth, ages 9 and up and 104 4- to 8-year-olds, attended the Canyon Pilots Association All-You-Can-Eat Memorial Day Weekend Fly-In-Breakfast on Sunday, May 26 between 7:40 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. in the commercial corporate hangar at the Grand Canyon Regional Airport at 112 Runway Road, Wellsboro, PA 16901
Children 3 and younger get breakfast for free and are not included in the count.
“That Is 222 less than the 1,364 people who were at last year’s breakfast and set the new ‘most that have ever attended’ record,” said Canyon Pilots Association Treasurer Joe Burnside.
“May 26 was a very good day,” Burnside said. “The weather was great and so was the turnout. The line of people for breakfast was steady, out the door and almost to the runway until 11:30 a.m. with no let up. We were all crazy busy, but we didn’t run out of food and have to go downtown to get more,” he said.
“Most people were served breakfast within 10 to 15 minutes. A couple of hundred were served in 20 to 30 minutes,” said Burnside.
“Fog was a problem. It lasted until about 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, making it possible for only five pilots to fly their planes to Wellsboro. including the one that came from New York to take people for rides for a fee. “I arrived around 11 a.m. and was able to take a few passengers,” the pilot Curtis Easton said.
“One woman gives us money each year to provide someone else with a free breakfast. There wasn’t anyone to provide a free breakfast to this time so we entered it as a donation,” said Burnside.