Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club / Stanley Grove Jr. Memorial Scholarship
The Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club / Stanley Grove Jr. Memorial Scholarship is offering $1,000 to a 2025 graduating senior in McKean County who demonstrates a passion for outdoors and related sportsman’s activities. This scholarship is made possible by the partnership of the Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club and Stephen Grove to honor his late father, Stanley Grove Jr.
Stanley Grove Jr. was an avid outdoorsman and also a devoted enthusiast who shared a profound passion and respect for nature and the creatures that inhabit both the woods and waters. His love and respect for the outdoors was instilled in him at a young age by his father, Stanley Grove, who passed his passion down to his three sons and five grandchildren. His legacy and appreciation for nature continues to resonate within the outdoors community, ensuring that future generations will also cherish the outdoors.
The award will be granted based on the scoring of three questions and four short essays. The questions reflect the students’ community involvement, school activities, and their future goals. The essay topics include conservation, sportsmanship, the impact of a mentor, and personal challenges overcome during outdoor activities.
The deadline for submitting the scholarship application is Monday, March 31, 2025. All submitted applications will be reviewed by the scholarship committee, and the award recipient will be announced by April 30, 2025.
The eligibility to apply for this application is for 2025 graduating high school seniors in the McKean County area with an interest in sportsman’s activities, the natural environment, and/or conservation efforts. Previous participation in volunteer or community activities is preferred. An academic GPA of a 3.0 or higher is required for this application.
To apply for this scholarship or for more information on the eligibility criteria, you can visit their website at www.willowcreeksportsmansclub.com or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/WillowCreekSportsmansClub.
The Willow Creek Sportsman’s Club is a local non-profit organization that was formed in 2021, with a strong emphasis on the importance of conservation and the protection of natural habitats. The club actively promotes ethical practices in hunting and fishing, while also supporting the preservation of natural resources. In addition to their advocacy work, the club engages in meaningful community initiatives such as stream cleanups and organizes special fish habitat structure days to contribute to the protection of aquatic ecosystems. A significant focus of the club is directed toward the youth in the community, recognizing their role in future conservation efforts. To date, they have successfully implemented two youth events, both of which are free and open to anyone in the community. With over 400 enthusiastic members who share a common interest in preserving the environment, the club is committed to sustaining and protecting natural resources while pursuing their mission. Their mission is to “educate and engage our community members, with a focus on the next generation, by promoting and enhancing the Allegheny National Forest, the Kinzua Reservoir, and its tributaries. We are committed to achieving this through sound management practices, and by focusing on education, restoration, and conservation of the area’s natural resources.”