Vote Angela Milford For Potter County Sheriff
My name is Angela Milford, and I am a Republican candidate running for the position of Potter County Sheriff. I was born and raised and have worked in this area my entire life. I have worked for Potter County government for approx. 29 years in the jail. I was a Corrections Officer and was moved up into management of Deputy Warden and now Warden for approx. 14 years of that. I work very closely with the Sheriff’s Department and am very familiar with their role. I am being endorsed by the current Sheriff, Glenn Drake. He has expressed to me his desire and intention, should I be elected, to stay on with the department in a part-time capacity, which will assist me in my transition into this new job. The role of Sheriff has many different aspects with much of it being administrative and delegating other functions to deputies. I do some parts of the administrative tasks already in assistance to their department such as coordinating transports, going on transport, taking care of extradition requirements and many other tasks. I am confident I will be able to jump into this position and take it on. I do understand and know there will be training that I need to attend and look forward to learning. I believe I am the best candidate for this position as I am motivated by a desire to help people. I am firm but I am also fair. I hope you will vote for me as your next Sheriff. I would appreciate my democratic friends to write me in also. Thank you.
Paid for by the candidate.