Pictured at the Pennsylvania Snowmobile Club are presenters and the 2023 Upper Pine Creek Trout Tournament Scholarship recipients. Shown are (front row, from left to right): Sara Kennedy, Janna Quick and Jackson S. Brion being congratulated by Club Vice President Tom Byrne and (back row, from left to right) Jim Westbrook, Wayne Fletcher, and Victor Ferree Jr.
Three seniors from high schools in Tioga County were awarded the Upper Pine Creek Trout Tournament Scholarship for Wildlife, Ecology and the Environment on Sunday, May 21 during the 32nd annual tournament.
Presenting the $1,000 scholarships to the students were Pennsylvania Grand Canyon Snowmobile Club Vice President Tom Byrne of Middlebury Center and Board Member Victor Ferree Jr. of Asaph along with Seneca Resources Company, LLC representatives Jim Westbrook, district production foreman, and Wayne Fletcher, environmental health and safety representative. The event took place at the snowmobile clubhouse at 4814 Route 6, 12 miles west of Wellsboro.
“With Seneca Resources partnering with us this year, we were able to award three $1,000 scholarships,” said Snowmobile Club President Jim Baney. Seneca Resources is the exploration and production segment of National Fuel Gas Company.
The snowmobile club has been presenting scholarships to graduating high school seniors every May since the tournament began. The only exception was in 2020 when the tournament was cancelled due to the pandemic. The club awarded two $100 scholarships each year from 1991 to 2007; three $300 scholarships from 2008 to 2018; three $500 scholarships in 2019; six $500 scholarships in 2021; and three $1,000 scholarships in 2022 and this year.
Each student completed an application for the 2023 scholarship that included writing short essays. The first was on what they see as major wildlife, ecological, and/or environmental issues in their areas. The second was how their chosen career field would allow them to have a positive influence on these issues. “Each student’s answers were very thoughtful and reflected well on them, their education and families,” Baney said.
Janna Quick, a senior at Cowanesque Valley High School in Westfield is the daughter of Jeff and Judy Quick of Chatham Township. This fall, she will attend Penn State University’s University Park campus in State College to earn a degree in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, a four-year program. She then plans to continue her studies for four more years to become a veterinarian. “After I get my veterinary license, I plan to start a large animal practice and eventually expand and have a small animal clinic as well,” she said.
Sara Kennedy, a senior at North Penn-Mansfield High School, is the daughter of Jon and Amanda Kennedy of Roseville in Rutland Township. This fall, she will attend the University Park campus of Penn State University in State College to earn a degree in Animal Science. She plans to become a dairy nutritionist and work on farms with cows and farmers.
Jackson S. Brion, a senior at North Penn-Liberty High School in Liberty, is the son of Steve and Gwen Brion of Buttonwood in Jackson Township. This fall, he will attend the University Park campus of Penn State University in State College to earn a degree in Forest Ecosystem Management. “I plan on working at Wheeland’s Lumber until I leave for college. “I am looking into furthering my education by looking into the realm of conservation and the preservation of our natural resources and forests along with the wildlife within them.”