Think About It
Don’t Give Up, Not Now, Not Ever
Pastor B.J. Knefley
In case you haven’t noticed, life can be difficult. Sometimes it feels as if we take one step forward and two back. We get through one trial and find ourselves facing another. How can this be? Why does this happen? Are we doing something wrong?
Sometimes, when facing the difficulties of life we want to give up, throw in the towel. Don’t! Regardless of what you’re facing, no matter how hard the battle, don’t give up, keep fighting. Why? Simply because life is won in perseverance. What we often can’t see is that our victory is just around the corner. We may not see it, but it’s there we just need to hold on and not give up.
I’ve had the experience of running several marathons and numerous smaller races. I remember the first 10K I ran at a 13 minute pace. Not impressive for some but it was a victory for me. My last 10K I ran at a 4:50 minute pace. I got there by pushing my limits and not giving up. Was it hard? You bet especially those interval work outs of sprinting from telephone pole to the next and then jogging the next one. I would do this for 5 miles and then take a slow jog home. Sometimes it hurt, but I had a goal, and I wasn’t willing to give up.
Perhaps the question for all of us relates to goals. Do you have any? Do we give up because we have no idea of our direction? Is life an aimless trek without any provisions or plan? For many, that is the crux of the problem. So, what is the next step?
My challenge is for each of us to find a purpose and start following after it. How? Identify one or two goals that are realistic and obtainable. Start with that. You might be surprised of with the results. Think about it.