Think About It
It’s Never Too Late
Pastor B.J. Knefley
It’s never too late. How would you respond to that? Probably the responses would be numerous. It’s never too late to ask for forgiveness, to say you’re sorry, to go the extra mile, to show honor or respect to another, or to extend a helping hand. So why don’t we? What keeps us from taking that first step? Many often wish they had, but they didn’t. Perhaps the one thing to remember is that just because we didn’t doesn’t mean that it’s too late.
I have met too many people that are stuck with a memory of something that is holding them back from moving forward. Sometimes it’s simply because they can’t forgive themselves. This happened just the other day when an individual, with tears in their eyes, asked how they could move forward because of their past mistakes. Again, it’s never too late to let go of those things, to forgive yourself and to heal from those traumatic events. It goes back to the saying that we may not be responsible for what has happened to us, but we are responsible for not getting up again and moving forward.
There are many things that I can look back on that I wished I’d made different choices. I can’t undo them and start afresh. I can learn from them and make different choices moving forward. Sometimes I must remember that those mistakes and choices I’ve made can and do make me into a better person. It reminds me of the verse from Romans 8:28 “We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.” (Voice Translation).
Life is to be lived with the future in mind. If all I do is look back over my past I will be doomed to repeat it. Learning from your past mistakes and choices will propel us forward into a life filled with purpose. Remember, it is never too late to ask for forgiveness or extend it. It’s never too late for most things. The choice is up to you. Think about it.