Think About It
B.J. Knefley
Are you driven? Driven in the sense that you’re on a mission and nothing can deter you from accomplishing said mission?
As I drove over the mountain the other day, I was amazed at the cloud formation that awaited me. It was stunning and beautiful all at the same time. Sadly, I was too much of a hurry to stop and take a picture. What’s wrong with me? Why do I have to be so driven? When did I start being that way or have I always been that way?
Some will be able to relate. I tend to make it a game to beat the GPS time. I don’t like to stop for the bathroom unless I need gas and to buy food. My idea of visiting sights is to slow up as I’m driving by and maybe a quick picture without stopping. I’m almost obsessed with overcoming the car in front of me. Do you need more examples? Is it me or is it a guy thing? Was I born this way or was it developed over time? The answer to those questions and more are elusive and yet I ask anyway. You see, I don’t like to be driven. I like taking the time to look and explore and sometimes I’m good at it. But not always.
The Apostle Paul said in Colossians 3:15 “let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts”. I try to practice this, but it doesn’t come naturally. When you’re driven, peace isn’t there until all that is before you is completed. But is that really peace or is it only satisfaction in the moment until some other project or mission is identified and a new goal is perceived? What is peace anyway?
Peace defined is “freedom from disturbance”. It’s related to calmness, restfulness and quiet. It sounds simple enough so why is it so elusive? Why must it be tied to the end of a task and not before? Why can’t it be part and parcel to the task so that you have peace during the execution of the task? Is it all about competition and winning? The answers allude me, but I’m not giving up. I want the peace that Paul talks about, so I press on to accomplish that which is before me, peace. Think about it.