Spring gardening workshops have been scheduled by the Potter County Master Gardeners.
The first workshop will be Seed Starting on Thursday, March 30th. We will be discussing which vegetables are best for starting indoors, how to read a seed packet and other helpful information. Hands on instructions will be given so that all attendees can go home with a small seed starter tray.
Next on the agenda is a Plan Your Garden Workshop. This workshop is scheduled for Thursday, April 13th. We will be discussing why and how you should plan out your garden, keeping garden records, companion planting, when to plant and other topics.
Back Porch Gardening/Container Gardening is the topic for the Workshop scheduled on Thursday, May 25th. We will discuss which plants are best for containers and how to care for them.
Plant Disease/Garden Pests is scheduled for Thursday, June 22nd. We will review common plant diseases and garden pests.
There will be time for questions and answers at each workshop.
All workshops are at no charge and will be held from 6 to 8 pm at the Penn State Extension conference room, 7 Water Street, Coudersport, PA 16915. Please note: the Extension office will be moving across the street to the Gunzberger building – we will keep all participants informed of when the move will be finalized and the location change as we get close to the workshops.
Space is limited.
Please call to register: Sheila Gabreski at 814-274-8540 ext 100