Scholarship Available For Livestock Exhibitors at Potter County Fair
Potter County Fair
A reminder to all our high school seniors that have exhibited livestock at the Potter County Fair! Check with your guidance counselor for an application or go to to find an application.
Raymond, Tristan, and Evan Erway Memorial Scholarship
The Potter County Fair Association established this scholarship fund with the Community Foundation for the Twin Tiers in memory of Raymond, Tristan, and Evan Erway, former students of Northern Potter School District. They were avid participants in 4-H and FFA; showing rabbits, goats, and beef in the open show and 4-H/FFA show at the Potter County Fair.
This scholarship is open to residents of Potter County and the area of McKean County that is Oswayo Valley School District pursuing a degree at an accredited two or four year university, college, or technical school. Applicants must have exhibited livestock at the Potter County Fair for at least two of the last six fair years. They must demonstrate good work ethic, be of good character, and understand community service through volunteerism. To be eligible for a scholarship the student must have maintained at least a 75-grade point average while in high school.
Amount Available: $1,150