Save The Date for Women in the Wilds at Sinnemahoning State Park
Sinnemahoning State Park is happy to announce this summer’s Women in the Wilds event will be held from Friday June 20th to Sunday June 22nd with registration opening on April 1st.
Women in the Wilds at Sinnemahoning State Park is a ladies-only weekend of outdoor recreation and environmental education. This summer’s WITW event offers women the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor activities as well as educational and interpretive sessions on topics ranging from bird banding to mushrooms.
Program fee is $125 per person. Fee includes choice of 10 outdoor recreation and interpretive classes, Friday evening salads & snacks, catered lunches on Saturday & Sunday, and catered dinner on Saturday. An event t-shirt is also included in the program fee, as well as all program materials and supplies. Equipment for activities such as paddling and biking will be provided, or you can bring your own gear.
Program fee does NOT include overnight accommodations or breakfast either day. All participants are responsible for finding and paying for their own overnight accommodations. A list of local cabins, B&Bs, motels, and campgrounds will be provided upon request.
Registration for the event is being managed by our friends at Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required by Friday, June 6th, 2025. Limit 45 people. This event typically fills up within a few days of registration opening so make sure you mark April 1st on your calendar.
To register for Women in the Wilds or other get more information about programs at Sinnemahoning State Park you can visit the park’s calendar of events at; or call the park office at 814-647-8401.