What small business do you own, to what extent are you involved in the operation of that business, and for how long? What are some concrete examples of overreaching federal and state governments that are affecting the counties ability to govern? What are some concrete examples of wasteful spending at the county level? Specifically, Potter County? What solutions are you proposing. As a lifelong Republican, I’m fed up with lip service without facts and receipts. This feels like a copy and paste job from an earlier campaign.
November 22, 2022 @
3:44 pm
Won`t support an insurrectionist.
Joe Lagrua
November 22, 2022 @
8:12 pm
Why don’t people asking the questions identify themselves?
Robert Rossman
November 23, 2022 @
8:43 am
We most certainly can sit and have a conversation. Message me through my Facebook page to set a time and we can have a coffee at my place of business and discuss your concerns.
Bill W.
November 23, 2022 @
1:14 pm
It’s not a required field. Stop being nosy.
November 26, 2022 @
9:42 am
3:44 That accusation is laughable left.
Ronald Reynolds
November 27, 2022 @
9:21 pm
There are other communities in Potter County besides Coudersport. What are you going to do to help communities such as Shinglehouse, and Roulette,etc.
November 22, 2022 @ 8:17 am
The best of luck to you.
November 22, 2022 @ 1:28 pm
What small business do you own, to what extent are you involved in the operation of that business, and for how long? What are some concrete examples of overreaching federal and state governments that are affecting the counties ability to govern? What are some concrete examples of wasteful spending at the county level? Specifically, Potter County? What solutions are you proposing. As a lifelong Republican, I’m fed up with lip service without facts and receipts. This feels like a copy and paste job from an earlier campaign.
November 22, 2022 @ 3:44 pm
Won`t support an insurrectionist.
November 22, 2022 @ 8:12 pm
Why don’t people asking the questions identify themselves?
November 23, 2022 @ 8:43 am
We most certainly can sit and have a conversation. Message me through my Facebook page to set a time and we can have a coffee at my place of business and discuss your concerns.
November 23, 2022 @ 1:14 pm
It’s not a required field. Stop being nosy.
November 26, 2022 @ 9:42 am
3:44 That accusation is laughable left.
November 27, 2022 @ 9:21 pm
There are other communities in Potter County besides Coudersport. What are you going to do to help communities such as Shinglehouse, and Roulette,etc.