The Value of Large Woody Debris in Streams
Kane, Pa. – The April 13, 2023 Roach-Bauer Forestry Forum is pleased to announce they will host two speakers for the upcoming Forum on the Value of Large Woody Debris in Streams. Dr. Ben Hayes, professor at Bucknell University, will share time with Mr. Luke Bobnar of the Western Pennsylvania conservancy.
Dr. Ben Hayes is Director of Watershed Sciences and Engineering Programs at Bucknell University. His background is in geomorphology and hydrogeology. Ben’s research focuses on fluvial processes, aquatic habitat restoration, and erosion and sediment transportation. He concentrates on the Susquehanna River and effects on the Chesapeake Bay Region.
Ben earned his Ph.D. in Fluvial Geomorphology in 1995 from Colorado State University. Prior and during his educational years, Ben worked as a river guide on large rivers, including the Penobscot in New England, the Skagit out West, and the Colorado in the Southwest United States. Ben is a Pennsylvania native.
Mr. Luke Bobnar of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is the second speaker for the Value of Large Woody Debris in Streams Forum. Luke has been working as a Watershed Scientist on stream restoration in Western Pennsylvania for the last eight years. He works with public and private landowners on stream and riparian habitat improvement, as well as addressing aquatic organism passage barriers. Luke graduated with a B.S. degree in Biology from Clarion University in 2010. Luke is active in the James Zwald Chapter of Trout Unlimited, and enjoys working and playing in Penn’s Woods in all four seasons.
This Forum on the Value of Large Woody Debris in streams will be of interest to forest managers, foresters, and biologists.
Society of American Foresters’ Continuing Forestry Education credits will be applied for this presentation.
The Forum will be held at the Wilcox Community Building (also called the Jones Township Community Center) at 320 Faries St, downtown Wilcox, Pa. 15870. Preceding the talk will be a no-host social hour from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., and dinner at 6:30 p.m. The program will start immediately after dinner. Reservations are required! No reservations will be accepted after April 6. For reservations, contact the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group, PO Box 133, Kane, Pa., 16735, at 814-837-8550, or e-mail