RGS Birds ‘N’ Brews Coming to St. Marys on March 1
St. Marys, Pa.: The Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS) will be sponsoring a Birds “N” Brews on Saturday, March 1, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Straub Brew House @Straub Tap House at 444 Brusselles Street in St. Marys, Pa.
Anybody interested in conservation and hunting are invited to attend and talk to members of the local chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society. Birds ‘N’ Brews, also called Pint Nite, is an opportunity to talk birds and habitat, enjoy the camaraderie and share stories of your passion for upland bird hunting, and tell stories about bird dogs and the birds that are still flying.
This event is for conservationists, bird dog handlers, hunters, chasers of the “King of Game Birds”, and storytellers. All are welcome, particularly potential new hunters. The Straub Tap House will offer many fine, locally made, beverages for sale, including non-alcoholic brands, and will also have food to order. Come join us for an evening of reminiscing about past autumns. Pick up a flyer that highlights local RGS and bird dog events for 2025.
Come raise a glass, talk conservation, and celebrate our shared love for grouse, woodcock, and the wild places they call home.Two overnight lodging accommodations are nearby.
The Cobblestone Inn is on Depot Street. Gunners Inn is on St. Marys Street on the diamond in downtown St. Marys. Contact Jed Hamberger at jedhamberger@gmail.com, if you have any questions.