Regular Meeting of Galeton Borough Authority
February 7, 2023
The regular meeting of the Galeton Borough Authority was held on this date in the Municipal Building
with the following members present: Mike Brown, Tom Smith, George Bowen, Jr., Joe Cimino, and Tony
Others present were: Solicitor-Mike Plummer, Eng.-Tim Tritch (telephone),Borough Secretary-Andrea Caracciolo, and Office Assistant- Eleanor Boyd.
Chairman Adami called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM followed by the Pledge to the Flag.
A motion was made by George Bowen, seconded by Tom Adami to approve the 1/03/23 minutes as present. All were in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Tom Smith, seconded by Mike Brown to approve Pay Req. #2 from Jones Specialty Group in the Amount of $32,152.50 for the water plant upgrade project. All were in favor, motion carried.
A motion was made by Tom Smith, seconded by Mike Brown to approve Change Order #3 in the amount
Of $3,057.70 for the Pipe and the Chlorine Analyzer pump. All were in favor, motion was carried.
The Engineers are still waiting on the Potter County Conservation District regarding the E & S permit for the WWTP Phase 3 and the WQM Permit.
PennDot is requesting and Affidavit for the sewer line at intersection of Mill and Clinton Streets as easements are not found. It is for two properties where the line was put in in the 1960’s.
Test Pits for Water Main in Road near bridge to make sure Crane doesn’t crush pipe needs done before 3/06/23
Joe Cimino discussed about the duo pumps that were a design flaw for a total of $5,000.
Joe Cimino discussed about going to every house in the borough to check
for lead service line by the end of 2024. This is being required by a State Mandate.
The March Authority meeting is being cancelled and will be advertised.
A motion was made by Tom Smith, seconded by Mike Brown to adjourn. All were in favor, motion
Carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:12