Rain Barrel Workshop
The McKean County Conservation District is partnering with the Bradford Sanitary Authority and Penn State Extension to hold a free rain barrel workshop on April 15, 2023 from 10:00 – Noon. The workshop will be held at the Bradford Sanitary Authority, 410 Seward Avenue in Bradford. Participants will learn about rain barrels and rain gardens, watershed basics and the impacts of stormwater. Participants will be able to construct and take home their own rain barrel. Bradford City residents will learn how they could reduce their stormwater fee.
The workshop is limited to 30 participants. To register, contact the District at 814-887-4001.
Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.