Potter County Artisan Co-op Plans Events and Classes in December
- Oil and Acrylic Painter Gary Perkins will be hosting a ‘Painting Night’ on the first and third Thursday of the month starting at 6:30pm. Bring your in-process paintings and supplies to enjoy an evening of creativity with other painters from the area. Price is $10,00.
- The Coudy Santa and photographer Curt Weinhold will be at the Potter County Artisan Center for Santa Pictures on Tuesday, December 10 and Tuesday, 17 from 4:00-7:00 pm. Price of pictures is $30.00. Choose any two of these photo sizes: (4) 4×5, (2) 5×7, (1) *x10. Add a second package for an additional $20.00. Cash or check only. Price includes sitting fee with jolly Santa. First come first serve basis.
- Young Artisan class will be meeting on Thursday, December 12, from 3 – 4:30 to paint and decorate ‘Christmas in a Box.”. Price of the class is $25.00. Snack and supplies provided. Recommended for grades 2nd on up.
- Artist, Laurie Angood, will be teaching an Adult Watercolor Class on Friday, December 13 from 6-8 pm. Students will be painting Christmas ornaments and cards with watercolor. Artist quality watercolor paper, paint and other supplies provided. Gift bag of take-home supplies included. The price of the class is $35.00.
- Basket maker, Cathy Snyder, will be teaching three basket classes in December. Register to make ‘Matching Utensil and Napkin Basket’ on December 12 at 1:00pm, at 5pm or December 14 at 9am. One of each basket is $45.00. All supplies included. Students are welcome to bring a snack.
- Quilter, Brenda Bonczar, will be teaching Braid Pattern Quilted Table Runner Sewing Class on Sunday, December 15, from 10:30am to 3:00 pm. Materials and template provided. Sewing machines on site. Class is restricted to 5 students and recommended for students 15 and up. Price of the class is $45.00.
To register for these classes or events, please call the Potter County Artisan Co-op on 814-274-8165. The co-op is located at 227 N. Main Street. Hours are open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Saturday.
Events and classes are supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and the Elk County Council on the Arts, state agencies funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.