Port United Boys and Girls Soccer Banquet
The Port United Boys and Girls Soccer Banquet was held recently at the Port Allegany VMI. MC for the event was Carri Marison. Seniors honored for the Port United Boys were Collin Stuckey, Saxon Palmer, Henry Kisler, and Isaac Barber pictured here with Assistant Coach (left) Dan Schott and Head Coach (right) Aaron Clark.
Awards were presented to: (pictured, left to right) Justin Dunn, Offensive MVP; Henry Kisler, Team MVP and Defensive MVP; Austin Hamilton, Team Player and Trey Kiser, Most Improved.
The Senior Girls for the Port United Team were Jenn Baxter and Juliana Cole. They are pictured with their coaches: Head Coach, Matt Lawton (left) and Alexandra Strauss, (left). Awards were presented to (kneeling) Kendra Meade, Defensive MVP; Madison Fillhart, Team Player; (back) Head Coach Matt Lawton, Jenn Baxter, Team MVP; Julie Smith, Most Improved and Coach Strauss.