Port Allegany Elementary School Honors Local Veterans

The Port Allegany Elementary School once again honored local Veterans at a special ceremony held at the school Thursday morning. From the PASD Facebook page, “Port Allegany Elementary School’s Veterans Day ceremony holds special significance as we come together to honor and express our gratitude to the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country.
The presence of the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country at our ceremony means a great deal to us, as it provides an opportunity for our students to learn about the sacrifices and contributions made by our veterans! Our program included heartfelt performances by our students, words of gratitude and a moment of reflection. U.S. Army Special Forces Veteran, Steve Appleby was our featured guest speaker who shared his experiences and insights. The Gator community thanks all the men and women and their families for the sacrifices they have made to protect the freedoms and liberties that we all share.”
The ceremony began outdoors in the parking lot with Assistant Principal Greg Oliver as Master of Ceremonies. After saying the Pledge of Allegiance and an Opening Prayer by Carri Madison, 6th-grade students folded the flag and then raised the flag assisted by Marcus Borowsky. The Port Allegany Honor Guard did a 21-Gun Salute followed by the playing of Taps by high school student Madison Fillhart.
The ceremony then moved inside where each Veteran was announced and walked the red carpet to their special guest of honor seats. The National Anthem was sung by the PAES Ensemble led by Mrs. Heather Nance. Sergeant First Class Steve Appleby gave a speech followed by a video produced by the PAES student body, Mrs. Beth Scanlon and Mrs. Toncha Barber.