Pennsylvania House GOP Leaders Condemn Violence in Israel, Call for America’s Support
HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Republican leaders are standing in solidarity with the Israeli people as civilian violence by Hamas, which began on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, continues to escalate.
“We strongly condemn terrorism against America’s closest ally, the nation of Israel. As terrorists have invaded their sovereign borders, taken hostages, and launched offensive weapons that have killed more than 900 innocent Israelis and injured thousands more, Israel deserves America’s strong support.
“Many hearts are broken, and it will take a very long time for hearts to heal. The Yom Kippur War anniversary rekindled many of the traumatic feelings Israelis who survived that war as wounded and imprisoned soldiers, survivors, spouses, and children and grandchildren of victims have been quietly and privately living with for decades. The wounds from this attack, touching so many families, will likewise linger. The stories of those murdered, wounded and kidnapped within their homes and ‘safe rooms,’ and during their parties and holiday celebrations is heartbreaking.
“There should be no equivocation on this matter. Those who are marching in Philadelphia and with organizations in line with the Democratic Socialists of America, who count members of the Democratic Party as their members, supporters and political allies, should be ashamed of the dissemination of the worst type of propaganda.
“These are immoral actions that call for bipartisan denunciation. Our prayers are with those who suffered the atrocities of these acts of terror.”