PennDOT Reopens Route 244 Near Oswayo
Clearfield, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) updated drivers on a box culvert replacement project in Potter County. Replacing the box, which spans Tyler Hollow Run along Route 244 approximately two miles east of Oswayo, improved the structure’s overall condition from “poor” to “good.”
Crews reopened Route 244 between the intersections of Route 4025 (Brizzie Hollow Road) and Route 4011 (Peet Brook Road) this afternoon and lifted the detour implemented on July 27.
The contractor plans to complete all remaining work on this project, which consists of final paving later this week and guide rail installation and pavement marking the week of August 14, under flagging conditions. PennDOT urges drivers to exercise caution in this and all work zones, obey posted speed limits, and always buckle up.
This project was a partnership between PennDOT Potter County Maintenance and Nestlerode Contracting Company, Inc. of Lock Haven, PA. PennDOT performed site preparation and excavation, removed the old box culvert, and backfilled the new box. Nestlerode set the new box and will complete the work listed above.
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