PennDOT McKean County Maintenance work schedule for the week of May 29 – June 2, 2023
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation McKean County Maintenance announces the following work schedule for the week of May 29 – June 2, 2023, weather permitting. Motorists should travel with extra caution in these and all work areas. Motorists should be aware that due to the nature of highway maintenance and emergency work, crews could be working on any highway at any time of the day or night.
McKean County 0250
Sign Repairs and Upgrades:
- Various State Routes throughout the County
Bridge Repair:
- Various State Routes throughout the County
- Various State Routes throughout the County
- State Route: 2004 (Christian Hollow Road)
- State Route: 646 (Rew to Red Rock)
Crack Sealing:
- State Route: 155 (Potter County line to Port Allegany)
Pipe Replacement:
- State Route: 1006 (McCrae Brook)
- State Route: 1015 (Columbia Hill Road Rixford)
Pipe Repair:
- State Route: 146 (Red Mill Road)
- State Route: 46 (Cameron County line to Crosby)
- State Route: 346 (Foster Brook to Red Rock)
The following work is scheduled to be completed by contractor, weather permitting:
L.C. Whitford- Bridge Replacement
State Route: 1011 (Barnum Road)
Traffic control: Contractor will be utilizing flaggers on SR 1011 during work hours to control the flow of traffic.
Jefferson Paving– Roadway repairs
State Route: 146 (Red Mill Road)
Traffic control: Contractor will be utilizing flaggers on SR 146 during work hours to control the flow of traffic