BRADFORD –Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) and Sen. Cris Dush (R-25) today announced more than $3 million in funding to support facility improvements at both Bradford Regional Medical Center and the Lutheran Home at Kane.
“It is important we continue to invest in our health care and long-term care facilities to meet the needs of our residents,” Causer said. “I was pleased to support this much-needed funding for our communities.”
“These grants will go a long way toward meeting the challenge of ensuring access to quality health care in our rural communities,” Dush said. “I was happy to support these important investments.”
The Lutheran Home at Kane will receive $2.44 million toward construction of a 10,700-square-foot addition that will house a new Alzheimer’s/dementia unit and an energy-efficient kitchen, installation of a new backup generator and renovation of the old kitchen space to provide offices and meeting facilities.
Bradford Regional Medical Center will receive $1.07 million for a number of infrastructure upgrades, including replacing the roof at the Pavilion, elevator and Wi-Fi upgrades, emergency drop-off sidewalk and lot replacement, air conditioner upgrades, east wing cooling tower replacement and envelope building repairs.
The grants were awarded through the state’s Redevelopment Capital Assistance Program.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/18/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Auburn Twp, Susquehanna county. 78a85(a)5 – CASING AND CEMENTING – CEMENT STANDARDS – The operator failed to prevent gas flow in the annulus. In areas of known shallow gas producing zones, gas block additives and low fluid loss slurries shall be used.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/16/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Asylum Twp, Bradford county. 78.56(a) – PITS AND TANKS FOR TEMPORARY CONTAINMENT – Operator failed to contain pollutional substances and wastes from the drilling, altering, completing, recompleting, servicing and plugging the well, including brines, drill cuttings, drilling muds, oils, stimulation fluids, well treatment and servicing fluids, plugging and drilling fluids other than gases in a pit, tank or series of pits and tanks.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/16/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Asylum Twp, Bradford county. CSL 402(b) – POTENTIAL POLLUTION – Conducting an activity regulated by a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of The Clean Streams Law to prevent the potential of pollution to waters of the Commonwealth without a permit or contrary to a permit issued under that authority by the Department.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/16/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Asylum Twp, Bradford county. CSL 402(b) – POTENTIAL POLLUTION – Conducting an activity regulated by a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of The Clean Streams Law to prevent the potential of pollution to waters of the Commonwealth without a permit or contrary to a permit issued under that authority by the Department.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/16/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Asylum Twp, Bradford county. SWMA 301 – MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUAL WASTE – Person operated a residual waste processing or disposal facility without obtaining a permit for such facility from DEP. Person stored, transported, processed, or disposed of residual waste inconsistent with or unauthorized by the rules and regulations of DEP.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/10/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Windham Twp, Wyoming county. 78a86 – CASING AND CEMENTING – DEFECTIVE CASING OR CEMENTING – Operator failed to report defect in a well that has defective, insufficient or improperly cemented casing to the Department within 24 hours of discovery. Operator failed to correct defect or failed to submit a plan to correct the defect for approval by the Department within 30 days.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/10/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Windham Twp, Wyoming county. 78a85(a)5 – CASING AND CEMENTING – CEMENT STANDARDS – The operator failed to prevent gas flow in the annulus. In areas of known shallow gas producing zones, gas block additives and low fluid loss slurries shall be used.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/10/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Windham Twp, Wyoming county. 78a86 – CASING AND CEMENTING – DEFECTIVE CASING OR CEMENTING – Operator failed to report defect in a well that has defective, insufficient or improperly cemented casing to the Department within 24 hours of discovery. Operator failed to correct defect or failed to submit a plan to correct the defect for approval by the Department within 30 days.
Description: Environmental Health & Safety violation issued on 11/09/2022 to CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC in Meshoppen Twp, Wyoming county. 78a86 – CASING AND CEMENTING – DEFECTIVE CASING OR CEMENTING – Operator failed to report defect in a well that has defective, insufficient or improperly cemented casing to the Department within 24 hours of discovery. Operator failed to correct defect or failed to submit a plan to correct the defect for approval by the Department within 30 days.
Around noon today, Mountaineer was requested by Derrick City Fire Department to assist in a search for a subject that had walked away from an early morning car crash. team responded with 10 members, Upon arriving team worked with department chiefs and laid out plans for areas to be searched. A short time after members entered the search areas subject was found. Great teamwork from both departments made this possible. Team was back in quarters and ready for the next call by 5pm.
At 4:52 PM on Saturday, Almond, Alfred & Alfred Station Fire & EMS have been dispatched to County Road 11 near the Sisson Road for a crash with entrapment & possible serious injuries. Responders found occupant self-extricated with no reported injury.
Coudersport Vol FireDept was dispatched to a first alarm fire along with Port Sta. 3 for RIT. Chief 48 Phelps went enroute immediately and with updated information from dispatch added 3 additional Tankers( 44-Austin, 46-Roulette, 47-Ulysses).
Engine 48-1, Tanker 48, Engine 48-3, Rescue 48 and Patrol 48 responded. Upon arrival of Chief 48 Phelps( command)confirmed a working fire in a 2.5 story SFD with confirmed entrapment of the sole occupant as he and neighbors and people traveling N Hollow road attempted to locate and rescue the owner.
Command requested a second alarm assignment ( Full response from 44,46,47,10-Galeton, 19-Germania and Port Allegany Sta. 3).
Crews worked feverishly to knock the fire and attempt to locate the occupant of the residence.
Coudersport crews went directly to the front ( address ) and went to work while Roulette’s, Austin’s tanker came directly in behind Engine 48, Tanker 48 and supplied additional water to the attack engine while Roulettes Engine and Squad laid a 5″ supply line( 1900′ ) to a nearby pond where Engine 48-3 and Galeton engine established a water source to supply the scene.
Tankers from 44,47 setup to also supply the attack engine (48). Water supply was a never lost or compromised allowing a continuous fire fight.
The fire was knocked down and crews were able to locate the owner, remove her from the residence and It is with heavy hearts for the family and our first responders that she had succumbed to smoke inhalation and had passed – coroner ( Car 40 )was requested to the scene along with the Pa State Police Fire Marshalls Unit.
Crews continued to work and extinguish the fire for some time while Shinglehouse Fire dept stood by covering our district, the American Red cross responded and provided refreshments/eats to crews. At approximately 9:30pm command started releasing apparatus form the scene an returning them to their respective districts.
After a joint investigation with PSP, Potter Co Coroners office it was determined that the owner/occupant was Grace Redcay, 87, and died of heat/smoke inhalation, had working smoke alarms that alerted her to the fire. The cause of fire was ruled undetermined – started outside on the north side of her residence under a carport that then burned into her residence disorienting and trapping her inside.
All units where placed in service around 0030 with additional things needing tended to today.
We would like to express our sincere thoughts and prayers to Mrs. Redcay and her family as well as the extreme gratitude and thanks to our mutual aid partners, in all approximately 65 First responders in all while other departments covered up or filled in districts that where on scene.
CVFC crews are preparing to deploy to Erie County per the NYS mutual aid plan to assist struggling departments after they received over 6ft of snow. 4 personnel with 4WD units and our SXS will be deploying with other county departments this afternoon.
At 3:18 PM on Saturday, Bolivar & Richburg Fire Depts. have been dispatched to a fully involved shed fire between 2 houses at 112 Second Street in Bolivar.
Willing 6 and willing 604 with a crew of 6 are being deployed to Erie County to assist with relief efforts. Please keep all the members from our department and other departments in the county as we deploy to Erie County.
Allentown units are currently preparing to deploy to Erie County as part of the State Mutual Aid. Members will be assisting the hardest hit areas who have seen upwards of 60 – 70 inches of snow. 5 members and 2 4×4 units will be deploying for a 48 hour tour
At 12:12 on Saturday, Belfast Fire Dept. & EMS have been dispatched to 7785 Crawford Creek Road for an ATV rollover crash with 3 patients with serious injuries.
Houghton & New Hudson also dispatched. Helicopter requested to Belfast Little League field.
Angelica requested to respond with battery operated jaws.
1:35 PM–2 patients have been transported to Olean General Hospital. A third patient has been extricated and is waiting for air medical transport.
FTPD, DCVFD, and K9 Search and Rescue are currently in the area of Derrick Road and Fairview heights, attempting to locate the victim of a motor vehicle accident early this morning. If anyone has any information please contact McKean County 911. At this time there is no danger to the public or residents in the area.
At 11:57 AM on Saturday, Bradford Township Fire Dept. was dispatched to assist Derrick City Firefighters with a search for the accident victims.
FTPD, DCVFD, and K9 Search and Rescue are currently in the area of Derrick Road and Fairview heights, attempting to locate the victim of a motor vehicle accident early this morning, Shawn Taylor of Bradford, PA.
If anyone has any information please contact McKean County 911. At this time there is no danger to the public or residents in the area.
Shawn is approximately 6 ft and 180 pounds, it is unknown what Shawn is wearing.
*****Additional resources have been requested through the County, the Elk County search and rescue team has been requested and additional manpower.
*****Drone team from Allegany Fire has been requested.
As we look ahead to next week, I’d like to wish you and yours a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
For centuries, Americans have come together in the spirit of thanksgiving. From the earliest traditions that began in Plymouth, Mass., in 1621 to the first official national observance in 1863, families have gathered in November to celebrate bountiful harvests and all that has been given to them.
In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, state offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 24, and my offices will also be closed on Friday, Nov. 25. PennDOT Driver License Centers will be closed Nov. 24-25 as well, though many services are available online at
If you are traveling, be sure to check for the latest traffic and weather information.
Supporting Small Businesses
Consider showing some love to the small businesses in our community throughout the holiday season but especially on Small Business Saturday, which is coming up on Saturday, Nov. 26.
Launched by American Express in 2010, this day is celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to support the small businesses that help drive the economies of our communities.
Area veterans are invited to contact my office to schedule appointments to talk with a representative from the American Legion to ensure they are getting the services and support they need.
Due to changes initiated by the American Legion, appointments in the Bradford and Kane offices will be conducted virtually via a tablet.
Appointments are required for meetings with the Legion representative, whether they are in person, by phone or by tablet. The schedule for November is as follows:
• Kane office: Wednesday, Nov. 30, and Wednesday, Dec. 28, from 9 a.m. to noon. The Kane office is located at 54 Fraley St., Suite 2. Please call 814-837-0880 to schedule an appointment. • Coudersport office: Thursday, Dec. 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Coudersport office is located at 107 S. Main St. Please call 814-274-9769 to schedule an appointment. • Bradford office: Wednesday, Dec. 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Bradford office is located at 78 Main St., first floor. Please call 814-362-4400 to schedule an appointment. Assistance is available with issues such as compensation, education, pension, health care and death benefits. Veterans need not be a member of the American Legion to participate.
Hunters Can Share Their Harvest
The state Department of Agriculture and Pennsylvania Game Commission are again encouraging hunters to consider sharing their deer harvest to provide thousands of pounds of venison to people in need.
Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) is Pennsylvania’s venison donation program for hunters who share their extra venison via a statewide network of participating butchers to food pantries and community assistance centers across the Commonwealth. One deer provides about 200 servings of high-protein, low-fat venison. Thanks to the program’s generous supporters, hunters pay nothing to ensure their venison helps to provide a warm meal to someone in need in their community.
The program reported near record participation last year with 187,426 pounds of venison donated in the 2021-22 deer seasons. HSH has distributed more than 2 million pounds of donated venison since 1991. More information about the program and how to participate is available at Improving Health Care Delivery
A new law adopted by the General Assembly will help improve the timely delivery of health care services by reforming the prior authorization process in the Commonwealth.
Act 146 of 2022aims to simplify the prior authorization process, making it more effective, consistent and transparent. The law will require insurers to make available an electronic communications network that permits prior authorization requests to be submitted electronically, and authorizations and adverse determinations to likewise by returned electronically. It also gives the Pennsylvania Insurance Department authority over external reviews of benefit determinations under the Affordable Care Act.
With the new law, the Commonwealth joins 44 other states that already have external review authority. The major provisions of the law take effect in January 2024.
Aiding the Fight Against Child Abuse, Neglect
Pennsylvanians looking for opportunities to help protect our children will soon have the opportunity to make a $5 charitable donation to the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) when renewing their driver’s license or state identification card.
Established by law in 1988, CTF’s mission is to fund three-year grants to community-based programs that help prevent child abuse and neglect. Since its inception, CTF has invested more than $40 million through 320 grants.
Still, child abuse and neglect are significant problems throughout the United States as well as Pennsylvania. Over 3 million children per year are abused or neglected in the U.S., and over 40,000 are the subject of reports in Pennsylvania. It has been estimated that 1 in 1,000 children in Pennsylvania are abused or neglected, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Funds for the CTF traditionally are generated from a $10 surcharge on all applications for marriage licenses and divorce complaints; however, those funds have been in decline for the last 10 years. The new donation opportunity will help generate funds for CTF and raise awareness of its mission. Learn more about CTF here.
All of November through the week before Christmas, the Potter County Farmers Market will move indoors to the Riley Gallery, next to the Crittenden, on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The next market will be this Saturday, November 19th. Here is a list of who plans to be there and what they plan on bringing to the Market:
METZGER HERITAGE FARM will be bringing fresh apple cider to the Saturday market just in time for your Thanksgiving celebrations. Made from dozens of varieties of our own organic apples, our cider is sweet, crisp and delicious. This is our final pressing and there’s a limited supply so encourage you to order in advance by calling 814-274-8004 or email (Pick up at the Saturday Farmers’ Market or at the farm. Accepting checks or cash)
BLUE MARBLE FARM will be at the market with local, organically grown beautiful produce. We will have beets, carrots, salad turnips, radishes, cooking celery, Fresh Young Ginger, Long Island Cheese Pumpkins, winter squash and more. We accept cash, credit cards, and SNAP. For more information, contact Lisa at, 814-320-1308 or
BLACK CATS AND PAPERCRAFTS is planning on being there with charms, quilled paper light boxes, wall hangings, wind chimes, hair accessories and an assortment of other things made from paper. We’re also ramping up for Christmas stuff as well. For more information, or to make a custom order contact Leon at or visit our Facebook page to see sneak peeks of the new things we’re making at
CARD CREEK BAKERY will be coming to the Farmers Market on November 19. I will have artisan breads, loaf breads and sweet treats. Jams and jellies are being made in my kitchen from local produce. Several people have sent requests that will be included. Please send me a message for something you would like to see on the table.
JOANIE’S APIARY is hoping to be at market on Saturday. Will have our Local Raw honey along with our beeswax products, corn heating pads and notecards.