Derrick City Assisted At West Washington Street House Fire
Derrick City Volunteer Fire Department
On Friday morning at 0045hrs, DCVFD was dispatched to assist BTVFD (ST.15) on box 15-3 for a working residential structure fire.
Squad 11 responded to the scene to fulfill the RIT Assignment. Once on scene and briefed from command, Station 11 personnel set up RIT and put up ground ladders to the 2nd division to ensure the safety of firefighters. Crews were later requested to assist Bradford Township with overhaul. Squad 11 was released from the scene at 0245hrs.
Squad 11 responded to the scene with 7 personnel. Limestone NY VFD held a transfer assignment for Station 11 at our Derrick City Station to provide coverage in our first due area.
PennDOT Accepting Unsolicited Public-Private Partnership Proposals Until April 30
Submission period applies to PennDOT-owned projects and infrastructure
Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Office of Public-Private Partnerships (P3) announced today that it is accepting unsolicited proposals for transportation projects from the private sector through April 30.
The submission period applies to PennDOT-owned projects, infrastructure, and services. During this period, the private sector can submit proposals offering innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Proposals can also include more efficient models to manage existing transportation-related services and programs.
Unsolicited proposals are being accepted through 11:59 PM on April 30. Instructions on how to submit a project and information on the unsolicited proposal review process can be found on the state’s P3 website.
PennDOT holds an unsolicited proposal period in April and October each year.
The private sector may also submit applications for non-PennDOT-owned assets directly to the P3 board during this time. Transportation entities outside of the governor’s jurisdiction, such as transit authorities and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, may establish their own timelines or accept proposals year-round.
The state’s P3 law allows PennDOT and other transportation authorities and commissions to partner with private companies to participate in delivering, maintaining, and financing transportation-related projects.
As part of the P3 law, the seven-member Public Private Transportation Partnership Board was appointed to examine and approve potential public-private transportation projects. If the board determines a state operation would be more cost-effectively administered by a private company, the company will be authorized to submit a proposal and enter into a contract to either completely or partially take over that operation for a defined period of time.
The next unsolicited proposal acceptance period will occur in October. To learn more about P3 in Pennsylvania, including active projects, visit PennDOT’s website.
The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners met today in Harrisburg. Among other business, the board adopted the 2023-24 hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits. The final seasons and bag limits are provided in a separate news release. Other meeting highlights follow.
The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners today took final action to restructure the state’s process for obtaining antlerless deer licenses.
Until recently, state law had required antlerless licenses be issued only by county treasurers. Hunters seeking antlerless licenses would send applications and receive licenses by mail in what was considered an outdated and inflexible process.
Earlier this year, a new law took effect that enables all license-issuing agents to sell antlerless deer licenses, meaning hunters in the 2023-24 license year will be able to purchase them online or anywhere else licenses are sold.
With today’s vote, the Board of Commissioners has finalized the process by which licenses will be sold.
· Antlerless licenses will be purchased online and at issuing agents; there will be no application by mail.
· Antlerless licenses will go on sale during the first day of license sales, the fourth Monday in June (Monday, June 26 this year).
· Only residents can apply initially.
· Application by nonresidents won’t begin until the second Monday in July (July 10).
· A hunter can get only one license in the first round.
· A second round will begin the fourth Monday of July (July 24). Residents and nonresidents are eligible.
· A hunter can get a second license in the second round for any WMU where tags are available.
· A third round will begin the second Monday of August (Aug. 14). The sale of Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) permits also will begin on this date.
· A hunter can get a third license in the third round.
· Then, in the fourth round beginning the fourth Monday of August (Aug. 28), a hunter can buy additional licenses until reaching their personal limit of six. Additional licenses, if available, then can be purchased after the season begins, as the hunter harvests antlerless deer and reports them.
· In each round, antlerless license sales won’t begin until 8 a.m.
The Game Commission will be making several announcements to inform hunters what they should do to obtain their antlerless licenses through this new method. Hunters are encouraged to review their HuntFishPA customer profile information to make sure contact information including their address, phone number and email are correct and up to date. That will allow the Game Commission to communicate directly with hunters.
In any case, the new, modernized process will increase convenience for hunters getting their antlerless deer licenses, said Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans.
“A simpler, more convenient system is better for hunter satisfaction, and ultimately, hunter recruitment,” Burhans said. “We thank Sen. Dan Laughlin for championing this change, which will fully modernize the process for issuing antlerless licenses.”
More information about the new process can be found online here.
Wildlife Management Unit 2H, which a decade ago was parceled out of neighboring Wildlife Management Unit 2G, has been placed back within WMU 2G.
The change will take effect in the 2023-24 license year to begin July 1.
The Board of Commissioners today adopted to a measure that dissolves WMU 2H – located in northcentral Pennsylvania, north of Interstate 80, south of U.S. Route 6, east of U.S. Route 219 and west of state Routes 155, 255, 555 and 120 – and moves its area into WMU 2G, which is east of WMU 2H and shared a boundary with it.
The 2013 decision to create WMU 2H was intended to give consideration to habitat differences between that area and the larger WMU 2G. More recently, however, Game Commission staff determined WMU 2H is too small to effectively collect adequate wildlife and hunter data for big game species. Furthermore, WMU 2H remains similar to WMU 2G in deer harvests and forest management.
Motorcycle Benefit Ride For Wellsboro Shared Home Set For June 25th
Wellsboro Shared Home, 27 Bacon Street, Wellsboro, announces a motorcycle benefit ride on June 25, 2023. The starting point will be hosted by Eisenhauer’s Tioga County-Harley Davidson, 2911 S. Main St. Mansfield, PA, with registration beginning at 9am at their pavilion. All drivers and passengers must register by signing a standard waiver. Kickstands up by 11:00am. Drivers’ donation is $20; passengers’ $10. All proceeds will benefit Wellsboro Shared Home and her residents.
The beautiful Victorian Home, Shared Home, was made into a Personal Care Home in 1979. The walls encompass loving care, warmth, kindness, camaraderie, and dignity in a safe and secure setting. The residents are well-taken care of by round the clock staff offering delicious hot meals, fresh laundry, expertly administered medications, with each individual’s personal care needs never overlooked. “It takes money to provide such care and shelter, and we deeply appreciate all the motorcycle and human services enthusiasts who will join us on June 25th,” says Asst. Administrator Wendy Reber.
For more information about the ride and the 100 mile round trip route, please contact Wendy or Virginia at 570-724-2300 between 7:30am and 3:30pm weekdays.
Causer to Host Town Meeting: Finding Solutions to PA’s EMS Crisis
BRADFORD – Rep. Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter) is inviting emergency medical services (EMS) providers, county and local officials, and concerned citizens to a town meeting focused on finding solutions to the state’s growing EMS crisis.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 11, at the Smethport Fire Department, 109 S. Nelson St., Smethport.
“Ambulance services across the Commonwealth are struggling with rising costs, declining revenue and a shortage of providers,” Causer said. “The problem is especially severe in rural areas like ours.
“We all need to work together to ensure our emergency responders can continue providing the life-saving services we depend upon,” he added.
Aaron Rhone, director of the Bureau of EMS within the Pennsylvania Department of Health, is scheduled to attend, as is Heather Sharar, executive director of the Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania. A full agenda is still being developed.
Causer noted lawmakers in Harrisburg have been working to address the EMS crisis by enacting policy changes requested by the EMS community, including increased Medicaid reimbursement rates, payment for treatment without transport, volunteer incentives, training availability, staffing requirements and more.
“Unfortunately, even with these changes, the challenges facing our EMS providers continue to mount and threaten their ability to continue operating,” Causer said. “Already, many ambulance companies across the state have shut their doors. We have to do all we can to keep our EMS companies up and running. Lives depend on it.”
RSVPs for the meeting are requested but not required. Those who wish to attend are encouraged to sign up at or call one of the offices in Bradford (814-362-4400), Coudersport (814-274-9769) or Kane (814-837-0880).
Weekly Roundup from PA Dept. of Agriculture
Farm Credit Foundation for Agricultural Advancement’s Community Education Program Funding Available The Farm Credit Foundation for Agricultural Advancement has announced a new funding opportunity. The program will provide up to $10,000 to local non-profit organizations that provide or support agriculture education and will offer funding for projects that make a positive impact within Horizon Farm Credit’s 100 county footprint and Washington D.C. Deadline: Apply by June 30, 2023Learn More |
Bradford Legion Senior League Baseball Try Outs April 30th
Bradford Legion Senior League Baseball team will be conducting tryouts on April 30th, 2023. The age for those interested in trying out is 15–19-years-old. Tryouts will be conducted at the University of Pitt – Bradford Baseball field. The times are 11am and 2pm on April 30 th and you will need to attend both sessions. League games start after Memorial Day and will run through Mid-July with the hopes to continue into the playoffs. For more information contact Manager/Coach Jim Henry at 814-598-6184.
Sinnemahone Canoe and Kayak Results
The Sinnemahone Canoe and Kayak held Easter Saturday drew 75 competitors from across the state and nearby New York. All but 6 finished the event on the Driftwood Branch of the Sinnemahoning Creek. The fastest competitors from Hansel Lucas from Brookville who raced in a long kayak. Lucas finished the race is 1:36:08.
Competitors from Cameron County who took home first place finishers include Ken Gerg and his partner Dana Leet. The pair competed in the 2-person canoe recreational stock division. Saul Solverson and his son Eastyn took home top honors in the 2 person canoe recreational short division. Steve Vaneerden finished first in the men kayak short while Jeana Bolin finished first in the Women kayak short division.